Part 1

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My name is Shaunie and I am a 17 year old soon to be dropout. What's the point of school, if they aren't teaching us about how to get the coins quick. I come from a broken home, literally. My mom died when I was 12 and my father left soon after, leaving me with nothing but my sister who was 25 at the time. She did her best but I guess she got tired because she left me as soon as I turned 16 with a note saying, "Best of luck sis, I can't keep looking after you. But whatever you do keep ya head up." Our mother left us a small house on the outside of town not far from my school. I am 5'5, a curvy plus size, with almond shaped chocolate eyes that match my skin tone with 4c hair. I am yet again in the principal's office because of my mouth. I don't care what I say or who I say it to. Thinking before you speak doesn't exist with me, I say what I want and no one can stop me.
"Shaunie, I see you yet again this week and not the first time today." Principal Hollis said to me.

"Well I wouldn't have to be here if people knew to leave me alone. I was to myself trying not to bother nobody." Another lie I told because honestly I was in the hallway bumping into people waiting for a hater to say something.

Principal Hollis sighed, "Do you want to be here?"

"No but I don't just wanna give up so fast." That was the truth.

"I'm suspending you for a week for bumping into students. That should give you enough time to decide where you want to be." Principal Hollis stated.
I know she can't stand me, I've been causing trouble since I entered those school doors.

I left out the office with my papers and went to the cafeteria to meet up with my fake ass friends. They be all in my damn face but next minute be behind my back talking. They just some hand-me-down hoes as in the boys around here be handing them hoes down to the next. I know what they want from me, they wanna know my hustle but I won't tell a soul, my sister don't even know how I get these bags but since y'all the readers and y'all real. I'll let y'all know my hustle.
I'm a baddie with the mindset of a hustler. I went from working in the mall at those lil department stores to making big money. Yeah I'm stalling because I know y'all bout to be all judgmental. Well I'm just going to put it like this can't nobody get this for free. I mean I only give it to the most powerful people. I'm an escort and I make at least $20,000 a night. This is my hustle, I'm doing what I can for me. I've been doing this since I was 16 years old. I use to lie about my age but now I don't have to but sometimes I still do.

As I'm walking through the cafeteria, I see the hand-me-down hoes. The thing about me escorting is I'm top of the line, I'm boss lady. I sneak up on Yolan at the table. I gave her one of my clients and told her to give me 10%. I still ain't get my money and I don't play about my living. I grab her by her nappy ass weave and toss her to the floor. Hell, I'm already suspended, so I could care less.

"Where the hell is my coins, Yolan?!" I said with anger in my voice as my veins began to pop out my forehead.

"I'll have it later, I swear, Shaunie. Just let me go." Yolan stated, I know she's lying.

I quickly kick her in her ribs and pull out some tracks before going to my car to leave campus. These tricks gonna learn that I am not to be played with. I made it to my car and I see Ky. He's my ex, we broke up because I found out he was fucking with them hand-me-down hoes. He a fucking joke.

"SHAUNIE!" He's yelling my name and I'm just trying to hurry up and leave.

"I see you still looking fine as hell!"
This boy just saw me yesterday and said the same thing, so what is he talking about, I'm always looking the best. 

Finally, I get home and I see a bag on my door step. I take the bag in the house and when I open it to my surprise it's full of cash. It's at least $500,000 in the bag. It's a note on top,

"Shaunie, this a lil gift, one day I'll give you the world." There was no name on the note, who would just give out this much money. And why this the most basic and corny note in my life but it's cool, I'll take the cash. I've been thinking about moving anyhow.
Seeing as how I'm out of school this week, why don't I just take a stroll and see some of clients. I immediately begin to feel sick, nauseous so I run to the bathroom. Before I know it, I'm vomiting, it's a good thing I made it to the toilet. I know I'm not pregnant, so maybe I just have a stomach virus or something.

I hear a knock on the door, and it's Rico. We use to date but he wants a family and I don't think I wanna be about that yet.
"Yo, you got the gift I left you."
"Yeah, and what was with that note?"
"Exactly what it said. Be my woman, Shaunie."
"I'm focused on a check, Ric. I'm doing this for me."
"Man, fuck all that, you being a lil hoe cuz you like that shit."
"I'll be a lil hoe for you." I said as I began to kiss on him and grip on his manhood through his pants.
"Be a lil hoe then"
I dropped to my knees and began to pray. 

"Lord, tell Rico that he can't get this because I'm a virgin."

"Man you play too much"
"I am a virgin, you know I only escort guys to events and after that I have a line of hand-me-downs to do the rest of the work."
Rico gave me a smirk, he knew I wasn't no damn virgin, he was the one who took my virginity. He's not my first love but he's one of the realest guys I ever fell in love with. He's not a drug dealer like most people assume. He's a big time lawyer.
He was about to leave and then I said the unthinkable. 

"Yeah, Rico, I'll be your wife."

He hugged me and was ecstatic, he had been waiting on those words since he met me. He was older than me by 8 years. He's 25, 6'6, with a nice temp fade, and one tattoo. His tattoo was on his chest, it was a heart with my name in the middle. I love him with all my heart.
I led him to the bedroom we began to undress each other. We gazed into each other's eyes as we slowly began to make love. I let a few moans out, this was so pleasure filled, I began to drool a little. He finished off inside me, which I knew he would. He always wanted to have his first child with me.

2 months basically fly by and I'm moving in with Rico. Trust, I still have my mom's house but we decided to move in together since we were getting serious. As in he bought me an engagement ring and we're planning our wedding.
"Shaunie you know there's a package down here."
"Open it babe, I got you a gift."
I came down the stairs as he was opening the box. It was a little box with my 8 week ultrasounds and a tape recording of the baby's heartbeat.
"Shaunie, are you for real, baby?"
"Yes, we're going to have a baby." I said as I began to cry.

Shaunie: An Escort's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now