Part 4

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3 months have gone by and I'm at the top of my game. I decided that I'm going to continue my education once I have the baby and I'm comfortable enough to leave her home. Yeah, I know he will be fine home with Rico but I still want to be sure. I'm going to back to school to become a registered nurse. It feels good to help people especially when people thought I would never be a people person. I value myself too much to let myself down or let my mother down.
Me and Rico supposed to go out to dinner but he hasn't made it home from work, yet. So I'm just going to go ahead and get ready because now that I'm 8 months along, I know how long I'll take to get ready. Soon as I hopped in the shower I heard the door open and Rico's loud mouth blabbering about something. I continue to shower because I know if I'm not ready by the time he is, he'll be trying to help me get dress and pick out my outfit. Last time I let him pick out my outfit he had me leaving the house looking a hot ass mess. He had me put on one of his white tees and some boots talking about 'it's the style now'. Today for dinner I picked out a red satin dress with a slit right on the thigh with some gold open toe heels. Hopping out of the shower I decide to put my hair in a high puff and leave two curly pieces out in the front. I then quickly dry off and oil and put on my dress. Before I know it Rico is dressed before me like how tf he do that when he was on the phone.
"Babe, I'm ready what is you doing?"

"I'm getting dressed, come out my shoes on. How you ready, weren't you just on the phone though?"
"I came in here, got off the phone, and got dressed." He said as he was strapping up my heels.
"Why you wanna wear heels? Your feet are going to be hurting and you're going to be in my face asking me to rub them."
"Sounds about right. And you won't have not one problem while you do it." I said with a smirk on my face.
"Where are we eating at?" This fool just asked me where we going like he ain't offer to take me out to eat. Better yet not offer but tell me we going out and it's not an option.
I gave him a look of confusion with one of my eyebrows raised before he could let me know he was just playing.
"I already got it picked out, calm down."
We arrived to the restaurant and there was valet parking. As the guy was getting ready to park the car, we were walking into the restaurant. It was a two story building, and as soon as we walked in the waiter greeted us.
"Reserved table for the Carson's, right this way."
The restaurant was empty, he rented out a whole restaurant just for me. At this moment, I just knew that my life was complete and it was with the man of my dreams. As the waiter handed us our menus, I grabbed Rico's hand and held it with a grip of affection, he kissed my hand and gazed into my eyes.

"What do you have a taste for love?"
The restaurant was quiet with a few slow R&B songs, not just any slow songs. I'm talking about Minnie Riperton, New Edition, and just classics. Yes, I maybe young but I still know about the old school. It was warm as if a fire was lit, the restaurant wasn't too fancy, it was decorated with a bit of class.
"I have a taste for shrimp and chicken alfredo."
He signaled the waiter over, he took our orders and our menus.
"Rafael Ingle Cory Carson, I love you." I said as I gazed in to his eyes with a sincere look as his eyes were glistening under the lights of the restaurant. His family and friends called him Rico because they thought they were shortening his name to his initials.

" I love you, too, Shannon Trenell Carson. Since we saying government names." He said with a smirk.
Back when we first met all he called me was Trenell, my middle name. He did it to be funny because my dad named me that and Rico thought it was funny because he said I had a hood personality. Whatever that means.
"Where did Shaunie come from anyway?"
"My mom nicknamed me that, that's kind of the only reason I still go by it. I even got it tattooed when I got older."
Soon the waiter brought our food to the table as silence almost fell. I'm digging in on my plate and his plate.
"Baby, we got the same thing."
"Yours look better."
The waiter interjected, "Is there anything else I can help with?"
"No, we're fine."
Shortly after we were done eating I started getting cramps. I'm not sure if I ate too much or what, I just decide to brush it off. Suddenly I feel something running down my thigh, I touch it and it's almost like water and I definitely don't remember having to use the bathroom. Then the cramps became worse.

"Baby, you okay?" Rico said as he got up and grabbed my hand to help me up.
"Yes... No.... I think my water just broke."
He picked me up and carried me to the car as the valet was pulling up.
"You paid?"
"Yeah, I already knew what you were getting so I came by yesterday and paid for everything."
That made my heart melt even more as he was putting me in the passenger seat of the car. He shut my door and ran to the driver side. I keep thinking I'm about to have my baby in this car.
We finally arrived to the hospital and got settled in.
"Mrs. Carson we've called your doctor, she's on the way." The nurse said as she came into the room to check how far I had dilated.
"You're at 4 centimeters so far, I'll be back to check in about 30 minutes. Okay?"
The pain wasn't bad, it just felt like really bad cramps for now. Rico walked in with a cup of coffee in his hands and our hospital bag.
"You went to the house?" 

"No, I put this in the trunk right after we finished packing it, I know you like a book. You would've forgot."
"Hush, Ric." I said with a grin because truth is I would've.
I dozed off as I was awaiting the arrival of our son.
It was about midnight and Shaunie was still asleep. I went into the bathroom to change into some pajamas because it doesn't look like our son is coming tonight. Then there was a knock on the door, it was just the nurse.
" I see she's still asleep." She looked at me and said with a smile.
"Mrs. Carson, I'm going to measure you, okay?"
"Okay." Shaunie said as she was beginning to wake up from her sleep."
"You're a 7. Baby should be here soon." She said as she left the room.
"I'm hungry, Ric."
"You can't eat anything but these ice chips." I said as I passed her the cup.
She chewed on the ice chips dissatisfied and upset. I grinned at her and kissed her on the forehead.

Another hour had done passed and the doctor had just walked in the room interrupting us from our sleep.
"Alright, Carson family, are you all ready?" She said as she was measuring Shaunie.
They began to prep the room which I assumed meant baby Carson was on his way.

After two hours of labor and delivery my son was finally here. Cory Shaun Carson born at 3:45am, he wore 7 lbs and 2 oz, my heart lit up and my eyes began to shed tears. I want to do right by him and his mama. They let me cut umbilical cord, I was nervous but excited. They then cleaned up the room and began to move us into the nesting place area with the other families. Yeah, ya boy been reading them parenting books.
Waking up from my sleep, and I looked beside my bed and noticed Cory wasn't in his little bed. Rico was still asleep.
He jumped up and called the nurses in. They didn't know he was gone so they called the police.
Shortly after awhile I got a phone call.
"I'll return your son if you give me $250,000, Shannon."
"SHANEESE WHERE IS MY SON?!" I said with tears in my eyes as I projected my voice loud and clear.
I began to cry and handed Rico the phone.
The police began to have the device tracked and told us to occupy Shaneese while they did. 

"Why are you doing this?"
"I wanted to be the mother of your kids, I wanted to be your wife. But no you came around and had your eye on my sister."
"Shaneese, you have 10 kids and they all live with their dads. What makes you think you would be a great wife if you can't handle your own responsibilities."
"Don't worry about my kids."
"I'm not, I'm worried about my kid."
Soon they tracked where the call was coming from and she was down the hall, in a janitorial closet holding our baby. They brought my baby to me and asked if I wanted to press charges. I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to but I didn't want to take her from her kids even though she doesn't even go see them. She has 10 kids with different dads. She was into prostitution and that's how she got her kids. She even signed over her rights to their dad because she wanted no one to find out about them. They are all a year apart. She had the first one a year before our mom died. Before I could give an answer that's when they announced they had a warrant for her arrest for assault and battery, attempted murder, solicitation, and more. They walked her out of the room in handcuffs as Rico began to hug me and our son and kiss me on my forehead.
"These are petty charges, I'll be back before you know it for my money."
"Whatever." I said, I loved my sister but now I don't know anymore.

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