Jan 24, 2015

68 3 0

So, it's 3:58 am. On a Friday. I just watched all the way up to episode 8 of season 2 of Spice and Wolf and episode 3 of SAO! The tears man! I am balling in bed because it is so sad. And my sister has to deal with a dick 'teacher' of sorts, for another year who treats her like crap. Like this guy is a grade 'A' asshole. I wrote some stuff about him to, so here it is:

Is it ok to make a teen cry? You are supposed to be the adult here, yet you lack all evidence of growing up. Is your moral compass this bent and broken to the point of this? Or is it me who is incorrect, stuck with the old philosophy? Maybe the world has gone by, losing it's compassion bit by bit while I stayed young and innocent, caring for others while you demolish them. Is that the path of mankind? I hope it is not. We started as animals, wild and free, grew into intelligent beings and apparently are to become merciless beasts if everyone acts like you. Who is the child? Sure, I am younger but I think it is a state of mind. You are rather obnoxious and rude and say what you wish whenever you want. I am careful, precise, knowing which words cut and which words heal. I try to lift others up and be useful while you sit on your thrown of insolence and stupidity, like a pig. Maybe if you tried caring for others you might have a change of heart. But even then I think you would still be an insolent animal with no thought. Sometimes we focus on the little things and forget the big ones. But sometimes we forget about all the little things that make everything so important. How is it that you have had more years on this Earth yet I know and understand more? It is because I listen. I listen to all people, I state an opinion but if it is a true friendship, I will hold back to save it. You on the other hand are a budding fool! You have no cares for what anyone thinks of you and you are a disgrace! I will laugh when you are yanked off of your pedis tool. I will laugh when you crash and burn and you will be mocked here when you leave. Stay as long as you like but one day you will perish and be the cruel joke on what is known as the human race. Maybe one day you'll learn that there is a diplomatic solution and if you want to be cruel, don't expect friendship.

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