4. Bang!

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                Ukraine walked with Canada back to the hotel chattering about going swimming the whole way to their room.

        Canada opened the door for Ukraine, having slipped the keycard into his own wallet when Ukraine hadn't noticed. "After you" Ukraine walked inside quickly and pulled Canada in by the collar of his shirt smiling lustfully.  Canada kicked the door closed behind them quickly.

   Ukraine yanked Canada down and into a hungry kiss, smashing their lips together as he dragged Canada deeper into the hotel room.
   Canada kissed him back with a hungry passion, tugging Ukraine as close as possible. . He carefully tugged at Ukraine's clothes, unsure how far he was allowed to take this.
     Ukraine shoved Canada onto the bed and yanked the curtains closed before hopping onto the bed next to his partner. 
   Canada bit his lip, hoping that would have lasted at least a little longer.
   Ukraine pulled Canada back into a ravenous kiss, his hands tugging at the edge of Canada's hoodie.
    Canada kissed him back, crawling on top of Ukraine as he kissed with a deep passion.
     Ukraine gripped Canada's shoulder and used his weight to flip them over so he was straddling Canada's hips having broken off the kiss with the flip.
     Canada pulled his hoodie completely off and tugged at Ukraine's top, he didn't have much muscle mass but he was still pretty strong. The Canadian explored the smaller male's skin slowly with a smirk.
        Ukraine gasped softly with surprise lighting up in his eyes as he shivered under Canada's touch, "H-Hey...your hands are cold,".
         Canada bit his lip, "Want me to stop, it's autumn in my land." He carefully rubbed his thumbs back and forth.

      Ukraine gently kissed Canada aware that he should stop and just go over the mission but...wouldn't a couple at least make out for a bit?
      Canada kissed him back, tugging Ukraine close as he kissed him with a burning passion that one couldn't fake.
      Ukraine kissed him back quickly, his hands running over every curve and ridge of Canada's chest.
         Canada moaned softly, he traced Ukraine's body slowly as he kissed him. The Canadian pressed closer, his member growing stiff. 

         Ukraine quickly realized how far they were getting and broke off the kiss pushing Canada away from him quickly. Ukraine stood and backed away trying to push the panic off of his features by taking deep shuddering breaths.
      Canada bit his lip, "I... I'm sorry I... I get excited easily" The Canadian quickly darted into the bathroom, panting from both shock and lust. "I... I shouldn't have... I... why do I find him so... infatuating... "
   Ukraine sat on the edge of the bed panting softly from exertion,"Holy....shit..."

         Canada had been in the bathroom for hours now, mumbling softly to himself. Otherwise nothing was going on in the small room.
       Ukraine glanced over at the door sighing to himself as he raised his fist and gently rapped his knuckles against the door, "hey partner? Come out..."
       Canada bit his lip, he partially opened the door. "Canada... my name is Canada," he mumbled softly.
      Ukraine nodded," I'm Ukraine," he mumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.
      Canada nodded a little, "Nice to know your name... " Canada wrung his hands a little, "Do... you need something?"
      Ukraine sighed, "You've been in there for a long time...I just wanted to make sure you're okay..."
     Canada nodded, "I'm fine, just gathering my thoughts..." He faked a smile.

     Ukraine nodded a little, "Yeah...Okay," He turned and walked away to the kitchen again.

      Canada finally stepped out of the bathroom, he pinched his arm as he sat crisscross on the bed.
     Ukraine walked into the bedroom sipping a mug of hot cocoa, "So, Canada...um...Sorry i freaked out..."
    Canada rubbed his arm, "It's okay... sorry I... took it so far"
    Ukraine shrugged, "It's okay, it happens," he offered Canada a smile.
    Canada smiled back a little, he rubbed where he had been pinching his arm for the past hour.
    Ukraine smiled and shifted a bit, "Yeah well um...anything you want to talk about?"
    Canada rubbed the back of his neck, "I wouldn't want to bug you... I tend to drag on and on"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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