【Chapter 4】

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*(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

We were walking to Merlin's office or lab like she liked to call it for some reason, why both me and Gowther were going I don't know yet, let me emphasize yet. We arrived at a place filled to the brim with the color green, I even saw things that had wings as I did flying around here and there with different colors, they were really colorful.

Even though we were walking down a place that was full of like it was oddly quiet, too quiet for my liking because for some reason my gut was just yelling out an oncoming danger to me though I just ignored it, it's just a feeling anyways.

As we were still walking in the green place I heard rustling beside me, quickly turning around I noticed that the noise was coming from a bundle of green that was on the floor. Walking towards it I kneeled as I looked more closely at it to see if there was something inside of it.

"Hey (Y/N), you coming?" Turning around I saw that it was Merlin who asked that, though all I gave was a nod as I looked back to the bush though for the remainder of the time it didn't move so I decided to go back with Merlin and Gowther as I got back up and ran towards them I didn't notice the bush move and out came a black tendril.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ------ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Getting out of the full of life place the sun hit my eyes harshly as I had to cover them with my arm above my head to block it from doing any harm. As we were walking more I saw a small town come into view, but if you were to look further you could see a big rock-like thing with green stuff at the top, must be Merlins Center of Magic Research.

As we were walking down the streets of the village people were stopping to look at us, some whispered while some pointed though I really cared about them, having nothing else in their life to point and whisper about others who actually do have a life, how tragic to the point I could cry.

Finally arriving at the outskirts of the village we came face to face with the huge rock-like building as both Gowther and Merlin walked ahead of me and entered the building, was I supposed to follow? Shrugging at my question I began to follow them in as the door closed by itself, weird.

Getting inside I was in awe to find so many colorful things in there, things were floating and there were even living things in cages, which I found a bit disturbing but this could be common so ill just ignore it. Looking around more I went upstairs to see a lot of equipment for things that I probably find out what it's for or I just don't want to find out. Though everything looked cool it was making me feel a little uncomfortable so I went back downstairs with the others as I saw them set up a table that has this lock thing for the hands and feet in each corner.

Going towards them I looked at what they were doing only for them to try to shield my view of it causing me to become a bit more curious about it, what are they trying to hide? Gowther stopped what he was doing has Merlin whispered something in his left ear as he nodded and went towards me and gently grabbed my hand as he led me to the table thing and lifted me to sit on it as he pushed my chest down as I laid down on the table both Merlin and Gowther began to put my hands and feet on the lock thingies as I let him.

"Now relax (Y/N), all that was going to do is that Gowther is going to look through your memories to see who you were and what we should know okay? Just relax, I promise this won't hurt, oh, and also close your eyes and think of nothing." Doing as she said I relaxed and closed my eyes as I felt Gowther touch my head making me feel numb, though I didn't hear any voices I did hear bits of it.

Feeling Gowther stop touching my head I opened my eyes to see both of them looking at each other weirdly, getting up I looked at both of them in confusion only for them to shake their heads and help me up, though I didn't need it.

"So, what did you see?" I asked as both of them looked at me, though Gowther spoke up first. "Well, I saw nothing. Really I saw nothing it was all black with just nothing but silence like a dead village at a pitch-black night." I was confused, wasn't something supposed to show? if they know I can't remember anything yet they still attempted to do this then doesn't that mean that something was supposed to show? However, Gowther said that nothing was seen or head, it was all just like a dead village.

I sighed in disappointment, I thought something was going to appear making my memories come back though I have been disappointed and nothing was shown, how sad. "How about we go back to the tavern instead of thinking about this more since it's going to just waste our time, let's go." Walking out the door I went in the direction I remember them going as I heard their pair of footsteps follow me as we entered the forest yet again, though this time the feeling I had was stronger, way stronger.

Deciding to keep my senses on high alert I would occasionally be looking around and I also notice that Gowther and Merling noticed as well as also had their senses on high alert, then a noise came from a tree nearby and all of us turned to it quickly though the noise quickly stopped.

Then something went past me as I quickly turned to the right to see nothing, "Hey, what do you think it is? You know, the thing that just passed me." Merlin and Gowther quickly put me in the middle of them as they began to look around though none of them answered the question.

All of a sudden something went towards me quickly as that thing claws were out reaching for my face, quickly covering my face with both my arms I was waiting for the attack to happen, though as much as I waited the attack never came so I quickly uncovered my face from my arms as I looked up only to see it shot by an arrow through the heart as it was stuck to the tree that I heard the noise coming from. As I was going to go and investigate more Merlin grabbed my hand and got out her orb thingy and we were immediately at the front door of the tavern, what just happened?

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

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