Chapter Two - Not so Friendly Brother

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None other than Papyrus the skeleton himself.



Holy f-

(welcome to bible study, we're all children of jesus)

You realized what he said, and your gaze dropped again as heat rushed to your face. You put your face in your hands, slightly rubbing your eyes as you took a deep breath in. Somehow Papyrus took your actions the wrong way, because his next words were, "Oh jeez kid, I'm sorry if I made ya' uncomfortable... Here let me help you up." You still couldn't believe what was happening. You inner fangirl/boy/perSON had been woken up. And they were threatening to come out.

You composed yourself as you moved your hands from your face, Fixing your glasses, you glanced up. Papyrus was offering you his hand. You looked up and couldn't help but smile at his slightly guilty and worried smile.

Can't believe he cares this much for someone he's never even met

You reached up to take his hand. Then your brother came out of the car onto the sidewalk. The slowpoke. He looked like he was going to say something to Papyrus, and you knew that whatever he was gonna say, it definitely wasn't going to be good. You shot him one of those classic, "Go ahead. Say something. I dare you," with your own special twist of, "Don't you f*ing dare." Papyrus took notice of this, but before he could turn around to see who your fear inducing glare was directed towards you took his hand.

"Names Papyrus, Papyrus the skeleton," he said now that you were on both feet. You already knew this, but it'd be rude to say so (and creepy). You smiled and gave him a small nod, but just as you opened your mouth to tell him your name, your brother spoke up from behind the tall skeleton.

"Y/n! What are you doing?," he asked, protectiveness laced somewhere in his voice, but his facial expression wouldn't give that away. Papyrus turned around to face him and held out his hand. "Name's Papyrus, you are?," he asked, his body language giving away no signal of what he may have been feeling.

Normal = English

Bold = Another language

He didn't take his hand, his pissed off glare remaining on his face. Papyrus slowly let his hand drop as (B/n) began to speak again. "(B/n). I'm (Y/n)'s brother. Why are you here, monster trash?," he asked. Papyrus looked at him confused, looking back at you as you sucked in air at what he said. You looked up at him, a small smile on your face to reassure him. He turned back to your brother. "Right, sorry. I was hanging out with my bro and some friends and he started sparring with one of them. To make a not so long story short, his attack went of course and hit the box they were holding. I came over to help them pick up her stuff and apologize for my bro," Papyrus said.

"Clumsy *ss f*ckers can't even aim right, how did you survive in the mountain for hundreds of years-," he began to mutter, thoroughly confusing the skeleton. "(B/n). Stop," you said, your voice coming out quieter than you anticipated. When was the last time you spoke? You cleared your throat, your voice getting adjusted to talking again

"You're practically burning holes into him, stop being rude damnit," you said. He simply scoffed and turned away. You knelt down and began to pick up the stuff that had fallen out of your box, Papyrus mimicking you a few seconds later. (B/n) went inside to put away his box, but he was sure to come back to get some more. You jumped up at the sudden loud voice that spoke, interrupting the silence that had been between you and Papyrus. Based on the voice, you guessed it to be Sans.

"Human! I'm very sorry, it wasn't my intent to make such a mess! Here let me help the two of you!," he said. He was just like you had thought. Well, you hadn't thought a lot about it, but either way. You had to pause to restrain a smile. Damn, he really was adorable. "It's alright, I don't mind," you said calmly, cringing internally at how monotone that came out.

"No, no, I insist! My name is the magnificent Sans! What is yours?," he asked enthusiastically. You couldn't help but smile at the grinning skeleton. "(Y/n). Nice name Sans," you said. He was about to respond when you heard your mom. 


Look another update! Hopefully I don't randomly start updating like I tend to do. But I'm determined to finish this book dammit.

Anyway, this was fun to write. The first four or so chapter would actually count as one chapter, but I don't want to go over 1,000 words just yet. I try to stay between 500-1,000 words per chapter so-

Storyline Word Count: 754 words

Date Published: 11/15/20

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