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Author's POV

Yesterday night was fantastic y/n enjoyed it with his family after several months except one person , Lee Jane , Kyle's younger sister, she was always at work and never had time for family but that didn't mean she didn't know about y/n's news she sent him a box which had 3 bottles of expensive wine with a note inside . The box was pearl white with a light pink ribbon in the corner .

Mina and others prepared for y/n's arrival , they had decorated the halls and baked a lovely cake and cookies for him . Y/n woke up and went into shower to visit his friend.

Y/n's POV

I got ready wearing a black tee with black ripped jeans and neatly tied my hair into a half-ponytail I checked myself in the mirror which was placed in the corner of the room. My sleeve tattoo marked my left arm (near the shoulder it was a big sunflower and other small tattoos) and my black ring on the respective finger . I carried my guitar and headed to the garage and got the grey mustang out and headed for the graveyard. I called Jane but it was on voicemail , so I just thanked her for the wine bottle and that we should meet up sometime. I later called my manager and informed him that I'll be visiting my friends place today and he was okay with it.

I parked the grey mustang outside the church gates and walked towards the graveyard. When I entered the i was greeted by the Church's Father 'good morning y/n, here to sing aye' he wished me and walked with me 'good morning, that's why I come here' I stated as we reached the graveyard and he nodded and got back to his work .

I sat beside the grave 'I'm becoming and idol ... hope you are proud of me' I put on a soft smile and stated at the cold grave stone. I decide to play only a melody and not to sing , and I filled the air with soft music to enjoy.

(Imagine y/n playing this melody)

After playing I headed towards Twice's dorm to visit Mina .

Mina's POV

I was waiting anxiously for him at the front gate ,will he not come?! Think positive Mina - in 6 months he never ditched plans, I paced around when I heard a honk and later a grey mustang pulling up, in it was y/n , the wind blowing a few strands of hair which made him look like an angel his pale skin stood out in his black outfit and his hair just framed his face making his dark eyes stand out in the sun .

He approached me with with one hand behind his back , he revealed a bouquet of white and red roses tied with a little ribbon I shyly smiled at him and accepted his kind gesture 'you know you shouldn't have' I told him as I led him inside 'yea but they reminded me of you' he smiled at me and removed his shoes and he was attacked by Nayeon and Sana who lead him a inside to others . Dahyun looked at me smirking at me nastily 'so cute he got you flowers' she was about take them from and I moved them away from her approaching hands 'they are for me' I said and she rolled her eyes and went inside .

I kept the flowers in my room and went back downstairs to see what the dorks are doing to y/n . I got down and saw they were cutting the cake without me . I made the cake myself and the cookies were made by Nayeon and Jihyo . It kinda hurt that they didn't wait for me but I kept the thought aside and joined them.

Jeongyeon took the cake back to the kitchen and and brought everyone a plate with a piece of cake . 'We should watch a movie' Momo suggested and everyone agreed , and we put on 'The Nun' a horror movie . Tzuyu got us all blankets .

I secured a spot next to y/n on the floor and shared a blanket. The movie started and everyone was interestingly watched it while y/n ate his cake 'how is it?' I asked me as he finished and setting it down on the coffee table with his eyes fixed on the movie. 'It was delicious' he smiled at me and I gave him my gummy smile , he liked it , he liked MY cake!

We earned a few snores from the rest , seemed like everyone was sleeping except me and y/n, I hid my self in his arm whenever there was a jump scare or a bad part , after repeated actions he held my hand caressing it with his thumb making my heart flutter , I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked up at him and he looked back and smiled softly.

I looked into his eyes , they had a hint of amber in his dark brown eyes , our eye contact was getting deep and intense I looked at his lips and slowly approached it he stayed still , our lips were inches away and noses touching our eye contact was steady , I titled my head slightly to occupy the few inches left , I heard someone getting up and quickly broke eye contact with him and drew my face away , it was Chaeyoung she rubbed her eyes and headed towards the kitchen to get water. Y/n quickly stood up as well 'I should go' he said looking down to me 'already' Jihyo said groggily and the rest waking up 'yea it's getting late' he said and the others bid him goodbye .

I walked with him till the front gate and watched him leave . I quickly went back to my room and smelled the flowers he gave me , I found a vase and placed them in it and poured some water in and placed them in a corner .


'Sir... Mina was with him again today but I couldn't get pictures, but they were getting cozy with each other' the man earned a slap from a slightly shorter man who then spoke in anger 'impossible!! Get out!!'  The man shouted and punched the wall in anger , he called in his bodyguard 'keep an eye on those two' ....


//yo thank you for 100 views it means a lot , don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter/ have a nice day!//