Chapter Seven: Lullaby

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Each time Mike laid eyes on El, it was like he had complete tunnel vision. The world around him ceased to exist whenever she was in his sight. Everything about her ethereal existence had entirely enchanted him. Even before he had been given the pleasure of truly speaking to her, it was the effortless beauty and the way her eyes crinkle when she's analyzing something that always intrigued him. He simply wanted to see the world the same way she did just because of the way she took things into detail.

There was something the echoed off of El in waves; a solemn kind of heartbreak that Mike so desperately wanted to heal. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he always believed she was the missing piece of the puzzle he could not complete on his own. She was angelic and intimidating, and he feared he would never be good enough for her.

The day she walked into support group, his world changed. He was determined not to let anything hold him back. He was going to put himself out there because getting to know El was worth the potential risk of rejection. He was tired of putting himself down. And god, he was immensely grateful he took a chance. Getting to hear her laugh and see her smile was a gift. Mike swore those things alone could become his motivation for survival for the rest of his existence. After spending a few days of being her friend, he felt as though he had achieved an unmeasurable amount of happiness.

And here he was now; entirely lost in his El induced thoughts as he sat beside his friends at the bonfire. He desperately wished to see her and Max reappear back to them, but the two were still off having a conversation. As happy as Mike was for her to be making friends, he selfishly wanted the opportunity to talk to her alone. Regardless of time, he was finally ready to express his honest feelings before Dustin could reveal them on his behalf.

As the boys sat around, a sudden agonizing shout interrupted the crackling fire. Lucas immediately identified his girlfriend's tone as she cried out for help. Without a second thought, all four of them took off in the direction of her voice.

When they arrived at the cliff's edge, Mike's heart plummeted as his eyes took in the absence of El. An eerily empty sensation consumed him whole; almost like every star had been robbed from his sky.

"Where is she?! Where's El?!" Mike's panicked yell barreled harshly out of his throat.

Max continued to point at the water in shock. It wasn't until Lucas's coaxing hand soothingly squeezed her shoulder that she finally sputtered, "s-she fell in and she hasn't come back up! It's been a minute; I don't understand why I can't see her—"

"No, no, no, this can't be happening," Mike mumbled as he instantly began ripping off his shoes. It was as though all of the thoughts in his mind had ceased and his only sole purpose was to retrieve El. He threw his jacket off and moved to the edge, prepared to launch himself into the dark water. However, before he could sink into the abyss that was currently withholding the love of his life, a firm set of arms wound around his middle.

Mike thrashed against Dustin's tight hold as he desperately attempted to set himself free. It was almost like the lake was calling out to him; tempting him to float along the bottom alongside of El.

Lucas's muttering caught his attention though as he stated, "Mike, that water is cold and your leg... it's not safe. Meet us at the shoreline."

Before anyone could make another sound, Lucas had already landed feet first within the water. He disappeared beneath the surface for a minute, and during that time, Dustin had successfully pulled Mike's lanky body along with him. By the time they had made it to the lake's edge, Lucas was already swimming ashore with a petite body hung over his shoulder. The sight of pure grey radiating off of El's normally cream colored skin was horrific. There was a dazzling blue shade that had etched into her lips, effectively piercing a hole directly through everyone's hearts.

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