DAD (day after date)

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Chapter 5: DAD (day after date)

When I woke up that morning, as I was getting ready all I could think about was the night before. The dancing, the kiss, the connection. It was all so magical. I instantly started to wonder again, if there would be a second date. I asked myself "should I ask him today at school ?" I honestly had no idea if I was even supposed to talk to him again. I mean what do you even do after your first ever date with someone you've never talked to until yesterday? Me and Tuck hopped in my car, and drove to school. He was pretty quiet, I thought maybe he would ask me how my date went, but he didn't. Hmmm that's weird, I thought. "Hey Tuck why are you so quiet this morning ?" He continued to look out the window. "Hello, earth to Tucker." Still no response. I gave up, maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of bed.

When we arrived at school I told him "have a good day". Still no answer, what was his problem this morning. I just kept walking to the gym. Once I got in the gym I saw my group, and walked over towards them. "So ?" I heard Rowan say. "Yeah Sky what happened ?" Lillian added. "Nothing much y'know, we just talked and got to know each other pretty much." I replied. "That's it Sky, that's all you did ?"Grace said a little disappointed. "Well there is one other thing..." I said. "Omg, what is it Sky?! You HAVE to tell us." Kaylen squealed. "Well after we left the restaurant, he pulled into this old abandoned parking lot, and he started to play a slow song. So we both got out of the car, and just danced for a little, before he spun me, dipped me, and...." I said. "AND WHAT?!" Grace practically shouted for the entire gym to hear. "He pulled me in for a kiss." I finished. "Sky! That's awesome!" Rowan congratulated me. "That's not even the last of it." I said. "There's more ?" Lillian asked. "Yep, when he walked me up to my doorstep, he spun me one more time and kissed me again!" I said. "Omg Sky, that is sooo romantic." Grace let out. "So are you guys gonna have a second date anytime soon ?" Rowan questioned. That's a great question I thought. "Umm I'm not sure I'd have to talk to Matthew about it, if we do I'll let y'all know." I said  "Maybe we can all go on a group date together." Lillian suggested. "Ya that sounds like a great idea, I'll let you know when it comes down to it." I replied.

Later that day I went down to the library during lunch to look for Matthew. I was going to try and suggest that second date idea to him. I had my fingers crossed behind my back he would say yes. When I finally got to the library I looked around and Matthew was nowhere to be found. That was weird, he was always in the library during lunch. Not that I was y'know stalking or anything. I decided to just sit down at a table and work on my homework for math. Just as I was finishing that up, Matthew walked into the library. I quickly packed up all my things and walked over to him. Fingers crossed yet again, as I was going to ask him about the second date. "Hey Matthew, I had a lot of fun last night, and I was wondering if maybe you'd want to do it again sometime ?" "Um sure, when are you thinking ?" He asked.  "Oh um are you free this weekend ?" I replied. "Ya Sunday I should be free." "Ok ya Sunday's great." "Awesome, see you then Sky." Matthew answered. "Oh wait Matthew, I actually was wondering if two of my friends could come along as well, kinda like a group date." "Uh sure, ya that should be fine. Could they meet us there ?" Matthew asked. "Um ya I'm sure they could." I answered. "That's great, see you then." He replied back.

The rest of that day I wondered if he would try to kiss me again, even with Lillian and Rowan there. It's not like they would care anyway, they swap saliva just about everyday, in front of anyone, so that shouldn't be a problem. After school I caught up with Lillian to let her know about Sunday. "Alright Sky, that should be fine. I'll double check with Rowan to see, but we should be good to be able to go." Lillian replied. "Alright that's great, let me know later tonight or tomorrow what the plan is." I said. "Ok Sky, talk to you later." Lillian said. "Bye Lillian." I replied.

I walked through the parking lot, hopped in the car, and waited for Tucker. Hopefully he's in a better mood this afternoon. I waited for about 10 minutes, he still hadn't shown up. He was always in the car 2 minutes after I was. I decided to send him a message. "Hey Tucker I'm in the car where are you ?" "I'm home already, got checked out early." - Tucker. "Oh alright, everything ok? you were acting weird this morning." No response. Well I guess I'd better head home, I thought to myself.

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