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Chapter 6: Trouble
Matthews POV:

Sunday afternoon I began to get ready for my date with Sky. I was combing through my hair, about to brush my teeth, when I heard my phone start buzzing. I walked over to my phone, and someone was calling me. "Unknown number? Who is calling me ?"  I hardly ever got phone calls. I mostly received messages, or sometimes an email. I picked up the phone. "Hello, who is this ?" I asked the unknown caller. "Don't worry about it. Now I have one simple demand for you, miss your date with Sky." The anonymous man said.  "What ? Why in the world would I do that ?" I asked. "Because if you don't I'll make sure to tell her what happened at school in the library after y'all's date." He answered back.  "Wha- who is this?!" I asked angrily. The phone immediately hung up. That's just great, I really like Sky, and now this idiot has to go and ruin it all. Who was this guy, and how did he know what happened ? I could not have him telling Sky about what happened in the library, it meant nothing to me. I never told, nor did I want Maryjane to kiss me. Of course when it happened I instantly pushed her away and told her I was seeing Sky, she did not take it well. No one was even in the library when it happened. Or so I thought. But more importantly what was I going to do about my date with Sky ? I guess I had no other choice if I didn't want her to find out.

Sky's POV:

"Eeeek!" Lillian squealed. Me and her decided to get ready for our date with Matthew, and Rowan together. "I can't wait Sky, this date is going to be soo much fun!" Lillian said excitedly. "I know I can't wait either!" I answered back. "Should we text our dates, and let them know we are ready ?" Lillian asked. "Sure." I said. I picked up my phone and texted Matthew. "Hey me and Lillian are ready. Let me know when you're on your way." -Sky.  "Alright, I've texted my man, he says he's headed this way to get me in a few. How about you Sky ?" Lillian said. "I texted him, I just haven't gotten a response yet." I responded. "Well how long ago did you text him S ?" "Umm just about 10 minutes ago." "10 MINUTES ?" She shouted. "Yes Lillian 10 minutes ago, why are you yelling?" "Sky, our reservation is in less than an hour. I'm ready, you're ready, Rowan's ready, what about Matthew did he like.. forget or something ?" Lillian laughed. "I don't think so, let me call him." I picked up my phone, and called Matthew. No answer. Come on, please tell me we aren't doing this again. "It went straight to voicemail." I said disappointed. "Are you kidding me ?" Lillian said mad. "It's fine Lillian, he did this last time, he had to give his friend a ride home. Maybe he's just caught up."

All of a sudden we heard a honk from outside. I looked out my window and saw Rowan sitting against his car. Me and Lillian waved for him to come up to my room. "Hello ladies, how are you this fine evening ?" "Skys date isn't answering his phone." Lillian told Rowan. "Aww Sky I'm so sorry. Would you like to still come with me and Lillian ?" Rowan asked me. "Um no I don't think so, I just want to be left alone, you guys have fun though, be careful." I said. "Alright Sky, I'm sorry Matthew did that, I thought he was really a nice guy." Lillian said. "Guess not." Rowan replied. "Well y'all better get going or you're going to be late, I'll text you later Lillian." I told them. "Love you Sky." They both said.

Once Lillian, and Rowan left, I decided to get undressed into comfortable pajamas and just watch Netflix the rest of the night. I headed down stairs to search the freezer for my ice cream I was saving for sad times like these. I grabbed the pint of Ben & Jerry's, and headed back up the stairs to my room, turned off the lights, and pressed play.

Lillian's POV:

Poor Sky, she had been looking forward to this date all weekend. Me and Rowan had too. "Rowan ?" I said. "Yes my love.." he answered back. "Why do you think Matthew stood Sky up ?" I asked. "Honestly baby, I have no idea. I can't imagine ever doing that to you." He said. "Aww thanks babe, I just can't help but feel bad for Sky, poor girl has been looking forward to this date all weekend. It's all me and her could talk about." I said. "I know but she's better off without him anyways, only the best for our best friend." He reassured me. "Your right, I think after our date we should stop by with a get better gift y'know, like her favorite coffee, from Starbucks, and her favorite snack." I suggested. "Yeah Lillian that sounds like a great idea." Rowan said. "Alright then." I replied.

Sky's POV:

I woke up with my tv blasting the introduction to The Office. "What in the world is all that noise ?" I heard someone say outside my door. "Who's there?" I jumped up quickly, grabbing my tv remote ready to swing, when Lillian and Rowan walked through the door. "Woah woah Sky, it's just us, no need to attack." Rowan said. "Oh I'm so sorry guys, I thought you were an intruder." I replied. "No no, just your friends who brought you your favorite coffee, and snack to cheer you up." Rowan said. "Aww thanks guys that's so sweet of you, I love you guys." I thanked them. "Don't worry about it Sky, and hey don't get down about Matthew, he doesn't deserve you anyways." Lillian reassured me. "Thanks, this means a lot guys." I said. "You're welcome Sky". Rowan said "Well I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I replied. "Goodnight" Rowan and Lillian both said in unison. "Goodnight" I said back. As soon as I heard them drive away, I drifted right to sleep, probably from all the crying that occurred.

Authors note: Hey guys I know at this moment that I'm writing this only my friends are reading, cus I have yet to discover a way to gain more attention to my story. But thanks anyways for reading it. It means a lot to me. I'd also like to apologize for all the grammatical errors that are probably in this (thanks Jay for pointing them out ;)) it is my first that I'm writing, and publishing ever! Especially to Wattpad. But I think Matthew would be proud. (Wouldn't he Maryjane?) ;) no I know he would. Hehe. Anyways I hope y'all are enjoying so far. I'll probably update either later tonight (doubtful) or tomorrow hopefully. I do have family stuff going on tomorrow but I'll try. My most reliable answer is I'll be updating Sunday. All right guys that's all. Byeeee.

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