Part 3

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"Uh oh. Does Daniel James have a crush?" I teased.

"Maybe." He smirked.

"Is Daniel James also a little drunk?" I laughed.

"Maybeee." He chuckled a little.

"So who is this girl? Do I know her? Is she here tonight?" I pried. Daniel has never really had a serious girlfriend. He's had flings but they've never lasted and honestly I don't remember him ever smiling like a dork and talking about a girl like this.

"Yes you know her. And yes she's here."

"Hmm is it Sara..?" I guessed.

"Oh gosh. No. Come on now. She's super nice but definitely not my type."

"Okay. Okay. Lindsey?" I guessed again.

"You're never going to guess it. Besides she has a boyfriend. It doesn't matter."

"Hey! Don't give up. Maybe her and her boyfriend will break up and then you'll get your chance. Besides you're a catch. If she knew how you felt about her I bet her boyfriend would never stand a chance." I smiled. He was always so confident except with girls. But no one besides me would ever know it. He openly flirted and acted like he had game, but in all honesty he gets super nervous with girls.

"You really think so?" He asked nervously. He was picking at his comforter.

"Hell yes. Your Daniel James Seavey. I mean you work out. You love animals and kids. You can sing and play nearly any instrument. Uhmm did I mention you work out?" We both laughed a little. "So who are you?"

"I am Daniel James Seavey!"

"EXACTLY!" I yelled and giggled.

"I am Daniel James Seavey and I'm in love with you."

"Wait what?" My eyes got super wide and I'm pretty sure my mouth was on the ground.

"That's what I would say if you were the girl I liked. Duhhh Kat." He chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ohhh." For some reason it stung a little when he said he didn't mean it. I mean I have a boyfriend so it doesn't matter, but for some reason it still hurt.

"Yep." The tension in the room was starting to become suffocating as we both sat their quietly for a moment.

"Okay. Well let's get back downstairs before Nick comes looking for me and I have to try to stop you guys from fighting. Again." I sighed, got up, and walked to the door.

"Kat." Daniel said behind me.

"Yeah?" I turned around and faced him. He was a lot closer than I thought he was going to be. I took a step back and realized my back was against the door.

"Are you happy?" He asked in almost a whisper.

"Yes of course? What do you mean?" I could feel my heart beat accelerating. What was happening?

"Not just in general. Are you happy with Nick?"  He got a little closer and I could feel his breath. He smelled like peach vodka.

"Why are you asking me this?" I know I sounded just as nervous as I was feeling.

"Because I don't think you are. I think you stay with him because you feel like you should. Not because you want to."

"Dani.. I... he's my boyfriend. Of course I'm happy with him." I finally said. Although it didn't sound that convincing. I wasn't unhappy with Nick, but I would be lying if I said I thought this is what my love story was supposed to be like.

"You're lying." He brushed my brown hair out of my eyes.

"No I'm not. Daniel why are you being so weird." I tried to move a little, but there was nowhere for me to go.

"I lied earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"I do love you." He said and then he kissed me. Slowly at first. And then before I could stop myself I kissed him back.

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