What Do I Do Now (Blue/Red)

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Blue's P.O.V

"Red...open up! Hey!" I kept pounding on the door. He's gonna answer anytime now. "L-Leave me a-alone! I-I wanna be left alone...please..." That, was weird. "Fine, whatever Red." I was about to walk away when I heard a faint "I want Blue..." I walked up to the door again and knocked on it. "Red, open up! I am Blue!" In about 2 minutes I heard shuffling and a click. I opened the door to see Red on his bed curled up into a ball. "Red, what's wrong? Vio's making breakfast this time?"

 I plopped down next to him and leaned back. i was still really tired- Green's sleep-talking isn't helping and secretly worrying that Shadow's gonna fall of a counter or accidentally roll off of a tall bookshelf makes it even worse. I wanted to just close my eyes right then and there, "I-I'm sorry...I just...Blue?" I rolled over and faced him. "hmm?" Red looked away and stared at something that I couldn't see on the wall. "B-Blue...I wanted to tell you something..." I nodded at him so he could continue. I don't know why it's hard to tell me, he always tells me things first, and sometimes the others don't even know. "B-Blue...I-I li-" . . . "GUYS BREAKFAST IS DONE!!!" I got off the bed and took Reds' hand. "Let's go." He looked at the ground and just let me drag him. This wasn't like Red at all. He is usually the one dragging me.

Red's P.O.V

I just let Blue drag me around today. I wanted to tell him...but everytime I try to, I get interrupted. "Hey! Red, Blue!" I looked over and saw Shadow waving.I waved back and put a smile on. "Hi Green and Vio!" I didn't want them to worry about me. When you actually say it out loud, it sounds weird, but I've been trying to tell this one thing for a whole week now...I knew I'd have to be extra careful around Vio. He notices everything, he can tell when somethings up. So I kept talking when I wanted to stay quiet. I kept up my smile even though I don't think it was the same smile. I kept my head up when I wanted to put it down. I got done with my food and quickly washed it. I ran back up the stairs and closed my door.

Vio's P.O.V

"Guys, somethings wrong with Red." Shadow said to me while he nudged his shoulder. "His smile wasn't so bright, and every time he laughed, it faltered. And he usually stays at least a minute or two after he's done eating to talk to us." I nodded. Shadow got all of the points I saw as well. I saw Blue and Green acting normal. They were fighting about what we should do today. "Hmmm...Shadow? Do you have a clue as to why Red is acting this way?" I looked back at Shadow and he shook his head. "Red was with Blue last..."

Shadow's P.O.V

I went up to Reds room and let myself in. It was really dark and unusually quiet. "Red...?" My voice came out in a whisper. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Red?" I looked around and saw Red curled up in a ball. I went over and pat his shoulder. "Red...? Are you okay?" He was unresponsive. I guessed he was asleep right when he held on to his covers tighter. I got up and exited Red and Blues room. I went down and got Vio. "Vio! Vio!" He looked up at me expectantly from his book. "He's asleep..." I had a feeling something was really wrong...but maybe he was just tired? "Hmm, okay. Thank you Shadow." I smiled back at Vio. I always loved it when he gave me that one smile. I got on the couch. I crawled over to Vio and put my head on his lap. "I'm going to sleep too...g'night Vio..." I felt a hand on my head and I closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Shadow."

Green's P.O.V (short)

"Fine! Blue if that's what you wanna do, then do it!" Blue glared at me and stomped back to his and Reds room. 'I wonder is Red is alright. He left the table early and everything. He didn't start any conversations either. He just answered whenever we asked him something.' "Hm, maybe I'll go see what Vio thinks.

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