Chapter 2- New

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Third Person POV

"I can't believe you would something like this." Zeref shaked his head as he entered their home.

It was late in the night, they just finished patrolling the streets.

"Aye. It's Natsu, what did you expect?" Happy said.

Exceeds were rare but somewhat common. They were kept as gaurdians and sometimes as pets...or both.

"What's so wrong with it? It is my job." Natsu pointed out as he slouched down on the couch and unbutton his police uniform shirt.

"FOR PETE'S SAKE! We are talking about Silence! 2nd most wanted criminal? A murder? No mercy whatsoever? You act as if that doesn't matter at all to you." Zeref said.

Happy sat beside Natsu and ate his fish that he just so happens to have.

"It doesn't..." Zeref said, answering his own question.

"We know nothing about this person. Literally. Not even their gender or age. We only know them by the weird mark they leave. That yellow 'S' with a question mark that has a slash over it. That is all we know. They call themselves Silence for a reason. They leave nothing but silence behind." Zeref added.

Natsu just looked straight ahead as he softly patted Happy's head. Happy felt awkward about this little argument but remained silent.

"Are you even listening?!" Zeref said, standing in front of Natsu now.

"Are they really bad though? They must have a reason behind this. Just like everyone does, we all have a reason for the actions we make." Natsu said as he got up and began to head upstairs to his room.

"Natsu. What's rule #23?" Zeref sighed.

Zeref had come up with many rules. He'd call them out randomly and Natsu would have to identify them. Zeref had done this to train him but now it has become a habit.

"Rule #23: A criminal is a criminal." Natsu mumbled.

"People aren't as good as you belive them to be, Natsu." Happy said softly.

"Yeah, I know buddy. Night, Zeref." Natsu called back and entered his room.

Natsu flopped down on bed after he took a shower and changed. He looked at the picture that hanged on his wall.

Igneel. He disappeared when he was 7. Zeref began to take care of him even though he was only 11. Makarov found them wandering around and took them in. He trained Zeref and then Zeref trained Natsu. Natsu found Happy at the age of 14 as he ran through a forest. He begged them to let him keep him and they gave in. Once Zeref was old enough, he bought a house for him and Natsu, the one the currently live in.

Zeref and Makarov were the only fatherly figures he had.

Natsu relaxed his fist and jaw and walked over his computer. The door opened and revealed a sleepy Happy.

"Aye, you aren't asleep?" Happy yawned.

"In a bit, just tryna get some information on this Silence person." Natsu smiled.

Happy shrugged and ploped down on Natsu's bed. Natsu turned back to his computer.

Search: Magnolia Murder, Silence.

Confidential files (1)

Natsu clicked on it, his eyes were growing heavy.

Silence Case File:

SEX: N/A.                

Crimes: 276

-5 military bombings
-Murder of General. Wakaba Mine
-109 other murders+kidnappings each
-Bank robberies

"Woah." Natsu whispered as he scrolled down and saw a list full of crimes.

"Guess you could say they are a litteral 'nobody', huh?" Happy said.

"Tsk..yeah." Natsu said.

"You weren't serious, right? You'll do your job when it comes to arresting this person?" Happy asked sleepily.

"I will. This person killed many. They deserve to be put in jail, night buddy." Natsu said as he got in bed.

•○•next morning- F.T.P.D•○•





"Really? 'Poopy'? That's all you got?"

"Ngh...SHUT UP!"



Everyone laughed at the three. Zeref arrived with a gloomy face.

"Hi! You okay?" Mavis jumped.

"Mmhm. Very." Zeref replied.

"You held a funeral for your shirt last night didn't you..." Levy asked.

"Don't question me." Zeref pouted.

"You're so cute and dumb." Mavis laughed.

"He's the cute one I guess but I'm the hot one." Natsu smirked.

"You little.." Zeref said, grabbing Natsu by the collar and raising his hand and getting ready to punch him.

But he stopped.

Someone came in the door. A dark headed young woman. Perfect figure with light skin. She wore a mask hiding her lower face.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could apply for work here?" She said.

Natsu looked at Zeref who just shrugged as he let go if him, not knowing what was happening either.

"Uh, hold on. OLD GEEZER!" Laxus yelled.

"You brat, what?!" Makarov asked as he poked out of his office.

Everyone pointed at the girl.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"I'd like to work here. My name is Michelle Rose." She said.

"Oh, nice to meet you Michelle. Of course! Mira, give her a uniform." Makarov said.

Everyone nodded approvingly.

"You can take off the mask you know.." Romeo said.

" see..I have part of my face" she said.

"Oh, it's fine. Sorry about that." Romeo smiled.

After a few minutes, Michelle walked out with her uniform on which had the Fairy Tail emblem sewed on to it like everyone else's

"Thank you guys!" She smiled.

"Michelle Rose, eh? According to Mira, your resume looks fantastic." Gajeel said.

"Mmhm! You are?" She asked.

"I'm Gajeel Redfox, this is Juvia, Gray, Levy, Laxus, ah whatever. They can introduce themselves." He sighed.

"Bye guys! I'll see you in a week! Let's go Happy." Natsu yelled.

"Where are you going?" Zeref asked.

"Going to go find Silence?" Natsu said, adjusting his scarf.

"Hey...may I come as well? It's Silence's case. Sounds fun!" Michelle smiled.

Natsu hesitated.

"Please! I won't annoy you." Michelle laughed.

"You seem pretty annoying already." Natsu said.

Everyone sweat dropped.

"Sheesh, polite much?" Happy said.

"Mmm..okay. You can tag along I guess." Natsu smiled.

"Nice!" She clapped as they all headed out the door.

Rule #23: A Criminal is a CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now