Chapter 3- Ena Ches

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Third Person POV

"You're that guy from the news aren't ya? Natsu Dragneel, yeah?" Michelle asked.

"Mmhm." He responded.

"Aye! Be nice." Happy scolded.

Natsu just groaned in response.

"I'm hungry. No food, not in the mood." Natsu shrugged.

Michelle laughed with Happy.

"I see. Where are we going?" Happy asked.

"To the crime scene first, see if there were any witnesses." Natsu answered

"Doubt it. This Silence person is really careful." Michelle added.

Natsu turned to the girl next to him. She had a clip with a small rose beside her ear which kept a strand of her obsidian colored hair in place. Her mask moving as she inhaled and exhaled.

"Can you stop staring?" She said without looking at him.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked.

Michelle looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm Michelle Rose...thought you knew that already."

"I know. But WHO are you?" Natsu asked again, leaning closer to her.

"Aye, don't mind his stupid self. He means where you're from and things like that." Happy waved off.

"Oh! Well I'm 19 and I'm from Crocus actually!" She smiled through her mask.

"Why didn't you join Sabertooth then?" Natsu asked in a serious tone.

"I said I'm from Crocus, not that I still live there. Also...CAN YOU LIGHTEN UP?!" Michelle pouted and searched through her bag that she was carrying on her back.

"Here. Go buy some food." She said, handing him some Jewles.

"Thanks!" Natsu smiled and ran over to a restaurant up ahead.

•○•at F.T.P.D •○•

"Gray-sama! How does Juvia look in this tight uniform?"

"C-Cut it out dammit!"

Mira chuckled at the two and then turned over to Mavis.

"Those two should just date already." Mira laughed.

"More importantly, what do you think about the new girl? She seems so nice!" Mavis said as she dangled her short legs from the stool.

"Wonder how she burned her face." Erza said.

"Erza!" Levy scolded.

"Sorry...just curious. WAIT!" Erza exclaimed.


Everyone sweat dropped.

"They'll be fine. They were just gonna be gone for a week then come back to report." Zeref said as he sipped his coffee.

"I need two of you to go patrol the city tonight again." Makarov said.

"Not me, I did it last time before the Dragneels." Gray said.

"I'll do it again. I got nothing better to do." Zeref said in a boring way.

"Someone else?" Makarov said.

"Guess I'll tag along." Evergreen said.

"Thanks." Makarov said before entering his office again.

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