Chapter 46: The end of the wood

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Ava couldn't even believe her eyes when she saw tiny and thin grass blades grew from the snow. Water was still falling from trees, but less strong than ever.
Suddenly, Iced Ladies totally disappeared and a dirt path appeared in front of the group.
The layer of snow got always less tall, until totally disappearing to leave the place to heath.

- Here we are! - exclaimed Mela, happily trotting next to Ava.

Komorebi smiled, moving fast on the princess' side. His paws were agile, but his gait was significantly slowed by limping.
Suddenly, he stopped walking and everyone did the same, surprised. Did he see something on the horizon?

- I guess my trip ends here. - announced the old fox - As the Iced Valley guardian, I can't leave my forest alone. Someone has to protect those beautiful plants.
- We would never make it without you. Thank you. - said Ava.

Komorebi sweetly smiled to her:
- No need to thank me, princess. It's been a pleasure meeting and helping you, believe me.
- Be careful. - said William, looking back to the deep wood - The human is still somewhere in the forest. Stay safe.
- Of course, even if I guess I'm not his first goal. - the white creature laughed, before focusing on Ava again - I wish I could tell you more about your father and what you're searching for.
- Finding you has been a big luck for us and I'm glad I learnt more about my parents. - the siamese cat smiled back.
- When this weird adventure will end, I'd be happy to invite you here. I'm sure you have lots of questions, and I'd eagerly answer.

- I'd love to. - Ava thought for a moment to all the empty parts of a story she just discovered in the story of her past and how gladly she'd filled them.

- Please, accept this from me. - Komorebi lowered his head and used a paw to take his necklace off once again. He gave it to the princess, who observed all the small objects tied to it with surprise - You may need it.
She held it in a paw and her eyes fell on the key, the small metallic object which reflected sunlight.

- Thank you... I really don't know what to say...
- No need to say anything.

The cat's eyes, filled with a color which could be stolen from the sky, were wet of tears.
Komorebi recognized Emma's same eyes, but was covered by Edward's dark cloud of sadness.

- It's time to go, before it's too late. - said Balloon.
- Yes, but where to? - asked Danny.
- We need to find Musika. - answered Ava - My father gave her the diamond, we have to find her first. And...
- You want to meet your sister. - Komorebi completed her quote, understanding what she didn't say.
She nodded with a sad smile.

- Do you have any idea where she could be? - asked Mela to the fox.
- As I told before, no, but a long time ago Edward told me something I won't ever forget.
- What?

- He said that when you need to hide something, the best way to do it is putting it where everyone can see. The last place they would search in. Do you understand?

Ava gazed at his black eyes, not sure to have got what he meant.

- Which better place for keeping a secret from Talia... but her own castle? - continued Komoebi.
- Uh?! Are you saying he may have kept Musika in my grandma's house?!
- No, of course not, but you may find some leads. It's been a place where he spent long times, a place he knew too well. Also, your grandmother lived for long periods in Pocketville palace, staying away from her one.
The cat princess nodded, enlightened: - You're right!

- Then, good luck, princess.Be careful.
- Once again thank you, dear friend.
- Time is not much: go, now.

Horses moved toward, exposing themselves to the sun.
royal Guards approached them:
- Goodbye, Komorebi.
- Bye bye, my friends. I'll wait for you when this story will finally end.
The fox turned, but stared at Ava for still a few seconds:
- Your parents would be proud of you, sweetheart. Don't stop fighting for a single instant.

Ava opened her eyes wide, showing one of her most beautiful smiles.
The old fox waited for them to climb on the horses saddles, waving a paw.

- To the Iced Lake Court! Gallop! - screamed Ava.
Steeds neighed and lashed out running to the clean and perfect horizon.
Komorebi looked at them becoming smaller and smaller, then turned to his forest and calmly walked where snow was the only landlady.

He couldn't imagine that, behind a huge tree, someone was peeking.
The PetBuster stared at the direction where horses ran to.

This time, he couldn't do anything to close them in his trap.
But the fight still hasn't ended.
He was the one who was going to win.

Horses were too fast to reach by feet and they already gained much ground, but it wasn't a problem:
The human used the long fingers of his hand, for one half covered with steel gloves, to touch the small jewel on the necklace he wore. Clarisse also mentioned a special enchantment which would have been very useful in a moment like that and he was going to use it.

"To the Iced Lake Court!" scanned, repeating Ava's words.
The old human disappeared in a cloud of purple sparkles, provoking an air suction which noise jumped on the trees, reaching the deepest part of the wood.

Komorebi was already too far to hear it and he was anyway focused on something else.

He was staring at the trunch of an Iced Lady.
The elder fox never saw something like that and his black eyes showed the most sincere concern and pain.

The plant was folded on itself, creating a weird curve and touching the ground with its long branches.
Not a single flower still existed, they were all reduced to wrinkled and rotten brown leaves.
Bark was black and almost fallen, but at a precise point a tiny line of steam was flying to the sky. Was something burning?

Komorebi approached its snout, smelling the disgusting scent it was emanating, then used teeth to take the small object out. The Iced Lady seemed moving, relaxed, just like he took away what was hurting it so bad.
The Arctic Fox let it fall on the ground and observed it.

He couldn't for sure know what a bullet was, but he couldn't be wrong about only one thing: anything it was, contained so much hate and violence that nothing in that world could ever imagine.
That small object, whose work was unknown, was built to kill and hurt in irreversible ways, taking life and souls away from innocents.

The metal of the bullet vibrated, like untolerating the pure and perfect snow it was put on, and began to vanish in a poisonous smoke.
Komorebi walked back, trying not to breathe it. He looked back to the poor tree, which was much smaller now. He was falling to pieces: one at time, all his weak body was dying and transforming into snow, which fell down and became part of the ground.

The fox lowered his head and began sobbing, covering his snout with paws.
That plant was gone forever, ending after centuries, destined to become a part of that magic environment. Nothing would have grown in its place, only lifeless snow.

That day, the Iced Valley got a deep injury which would take years and years to heal.

"Ava" thought "please, please, stop this. Don't leave us with such a danger. Save your kingdom. Save us all. You can do it, princess, don't stop fighting."

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