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My heart was pounding in my chest as I stood at the top of the stairs. How had I ended up in this position again? The dress I wore was nearly identical to the one I had for Amelia's party all that time ago. The dress I had been in when I fell through to Wonderland.

Being home for six months had done nothing to lessen the pain of leaving Wonderland. My father watched me every day like he was worried I'd fall apart. I rested my palm against my heart, letting my mind drift to the man I knew it kept perfect pace with.

I knew the moment he had found out I was missing. It was the day after I had returned. I had been painting when my heart had started to pound erratically in my chest. The suddenness had caused me to spill paint on the floor and on my canvas.

"Are you ready?" Father asked, looping his arm through mine.

"No," I whispered. "I don't want to do this."

"I know, my dear." He sighed. "But your mother cannot be stopped."

We began the walk down the stairs and I felt my stomach clench as everyone's eyes turned to us. I could see the faces of boys, but none compared to the handsome face that I wished to see. Father smiled at me before he left to go speak with his associates.

"Aelin," Matthew Graham said as he approached. I eyed Markus's younger brother with distaste. He had a boyish charm, but I felt nothing as I looked at him. "May I have this dance?"

"Sure," I murmured, accepting the hand he held out for me.

The dance was slow and clumsy as I let my mind run wild. I had been such an idiot. How could I ever want to leave a world where people loved me? I blinked tears back as Matthew stopped us to look at someone behind him.

"May I cut in?" My head snapped up at the sound of the low voice. I stared in disbelief at seeing Lark tower over a boy in my home. He looked too perfect to be here in this place. His outfit was nearly identical to the one he had been in when I left. His shirt was black instead of blue.

"No," Matthew snorted.

"Yes," I blurted as I let Matthew go. "Absolutely, yes."

Lark's lips curled into a small smile before he replaced Matthew. He spun us in an easy dance that made me forget to breathe as I watched him.

"How did you get here?" I asked as he pulled me to him again.

"I told you, I would always return to you." He said gently as the music died.

"I shouldn't have left," I whispered. "I thought I was doing what was best."

"Hush, my love." He soothed as he pressed a kiss to my palm. "When you can get away, I will be waiting."

"Don't leave!" I begged.

"The tree," He said. "Come find me."

I got swept into another dance before I could grab him again. His lip curled in distaste as he looked to the boy who spun me away. When he saw me watching, he winked before slinking into the crowd.

"I need to go," I said to the boy.

"But this is my dance!"

"I don't care!" I snapped as I jerked away.

I ran to my father who was watching the kitchen door. He looked up when I approached and smiled.

"Be sure to visit when you can," He said before he kissed my cheek.

"Tell mom I'm sorry I couldn't be what she wanted."

"You are perfect,"

I ran from the room and through the kitchen. Lark was leaning against the tree with a smile on his face. I kicked off my heels to run across the damp grass and he caught me easily. He lifted me, forcing me to wrap my legs around him to keep from falling as he pulled my lips to his. Heat spread through me as our lips moved in a perfect dance. He was first to pull back as he let out a soft chuckle.

"I've missed you," I breathed as I rested my cheek on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry." I cried. "I was stupid, and I thought this was my home, but you were right. Home is where I want it to be."

"Everything is okay, my love." He soothed. "I came to see if you were happy. I didn't intend on even speaking with you, but I could feel your sadness like a sword cutting through me the moment I came through the hole." He shook his head. "I couldn't go back without knowing if you were happy with your choice."

"I was never happy with it. I knew the moment I went through, I had made the wrong choice."

"Then I'm asking you to come back with me," He murmured. "Right now. No rabbits pushing you through."

"Yes," I laughed "Please,"

"Perfect," He stepped backward, and instantly we were falling.

"Aelin," Lark hummed as his fingers ran through my hair. "Wake up, my love."

I tried to claw my way from the drowsiness that had taken over. Slowly, I blinked to see him smiling down at me. I was on a bed and he was sitting beside me, waiting patiently for me to collect my thoughts.

"Where are we?" I mumbled.

"The new palace," He murmured. "Well, it's more of just a large home."


"I didn't want to live in that palace. Isobel had ruined everything inside. We built this place instead with more considerations from your home thanks to Hare. The old palace is being redone and will now be a school and orphanage for the children."

"Lark that's amazing," I murmured.

"I knew you would like it." He grinned. "Besides, I hoped you would return with me. I didn't want to see you afraid of the halls of your home. I wanted to offer you some sense of normalcy."

"What happened to Isobel?" I asked making him purse his lips.

"The people voted to have her hanged. I made it as quick as I could." I nodded slightly. She could have had a much worse fate.

I closed my eyes again, only to jump when he poked my side.

"Wake up, my love. There are people waiting to see you."


"Besides, you're wrinkling your pretty gown."

"Fine," I sighed.

He watched me roll from the bed and instantly steadied me when I stumbled. I took the opportunity to look around the room. It was very modern and almost identical to the room at my parents' house.

"There are clothes in the closet for you," He said when I didn't move. With slow steps, I moved to the door he pointed at and peeked inside. It was a huge walk-in-closet filled with pretty dresses and skirts on one side and men's clothes on the other.

"Who's are these?" I asked making him move to stand behind me.


"Why are we sharing a closet?" I asked trying not to laugh at his annoyed noise.

"You must have hit your head on the way back," He said. "Or you're insane. As if I'd let you anywhere out of my sight," I laughed as he kissed my cheek. "Now, hurry up." 

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