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Jimin and you were confused if you two were standing in front of the correct restaurant. It looked very fancy meanwhile the two thought you were going to a pizzeria or something like that. "Are you sure Taehyung sent you the right address?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah I'm sure but I think he sent the wrong one," you said looking at your phone. The two of you turned around heads when you heard someone screaming your names. You see Taehyung smiling brightly as he waves his hand. Behind him was his brother who had a tux on. The only person who is dressed up for the restaurant. You, Jimin, and Taehyung had jeans and a t-shirt on.

"Hello (Y/N) and Jimin" Jin smiles and looks directly at you. "Hello..." you answered back, avoiding his brown eyes. "Why did you pick this restaurant? I thought we were going somewhere more regular. If you told us we were going to a fancy, then we would have dressed up" Jimin said to Taehyung.

"I didn't know too until Jin Hyung told me during the car ride. You think I would be wearing this if I knew we were going to eat here ?" Taehyung said.

"shall we head inside?" Jin asked. The three of you nodded and headed into the restaurant. "Hello, how can I help you?" The lady in front asked.

"Kim Seokjin," Jin said, making her eyes widened. She immediately fixes her clothes and calls over a waiter. "Please take Mr.KIM to his table," she said making sure the waiter knew who he was.

"A-Ah yes, p-please follow me" he stutters and started directing you four to your table.

'Is he really that important?' Because in my eyes, he ain't' You thought as you took a seat down next to your brother. You noticed the way they acted when Jin told them who he was.

"So how is school doing?" Jin asked looking at you.

"Alright" you answered, paying attention to the menu and not him. "What about you, Jimin~ssi?" Jin asked. "The classes are easy, but too much homework to finish" he answers.

"I never got the chance to ask, but what do your parents do for a living?" He asked making Jimin look down and Taehyung to slap his brother's arm.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"They're gone. Not dead but they disappeared from our lives" you answered. You don't care about what people think of why they left. You and Jimin only need to know the truth, no one else.

"I'm really sorry," Jin said looking down. " I don't care for them, so there's no need to apologize," you said back.

"If it's only the two of you, how are you guys maintaining yourselves?" Jin asked.

"(Y/N) had two jobs meanwhile I had one. We pay half and half. It's always been like that since the beginning of high school" Jimin spoke.

"You must be happy to have a sister like her" Jin said.

"I am" Jimin smiles.

"What's Mr.Min's company name again?" You asked Jin.

"And why is it that you want to know?" Jin asked, looking into your eyes. "I'm just wondering if he's as important as you are to the people" you answered.


"Speaking of Yoongi Hyung, why did he buy Mr.Im's company?" Taehyung asked looking at his brother.

'bingo!' You smiled at yourself. "It's Yoongi, Taehyung. He has his reasons why he does things" Jin said.

"Jimin..." Jin calls out your brother. "Yeah?" He said looking up at him.

"May I take your sister out?"

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