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Louis woke up the next morning to a cold, empty bed. He frowns and sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stands up and pads over the bathroom across the hall to wash up and brush his teeth.

After he's done he goes down stairs to try to find Harry.

"H?" He calls out when he hits the last step. He steps into the living room. No Harry. Louis hums to himself and goes across the living room to walk into the kitchen when Harry suddenly walks through the front door.

He's fully dressed. Clad in ripped jeans and a white tank top. There's a dirt smudge on his cheek as well.

"Mornin' baby" he kicks off his boots and scoops up Louis into his arms. Louis wraps his around Harry's neck.

Louis could get used to a clingy Harry.

"Where'd you go?" Louis buries his nose into Harry's hair.

"Just because Jenny's not here doesn't mean I stop doin' my job" he chuckles, unwrapping his arms but holding Louis waist.

"That's dumb, I was cold" Louis rolls his eyes.

Harry matches his pout, "Sorry, won't happen again" he says squeezing his hip, "I made you breakfast though." He walks into the kitchen and Louis follows behind him.

"It's probably cold" Harry adds putting the plate of eggs and bacon into the microwave.

Louis sits on the island and watches him move around the kitchen.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" Louis says genuinely because no boy has ever gone out of their way to make louis breakfast before.

"No worries" he shrugs.

After Louis eats and they watch an episode of friends on tv, Harry tells him to get dressed and meet him outside. Of course Louis does.

He knows it'll be hot today due to the warm breeze coming through his bedroom window. Dressing appropriately, he shoves his not so white anymore, converse on and goes outside heading towards the barn.

When he enters Jasper neighs loudly same with Carley. "I think they're happy to see you" Harry smiles at him.

"Aww, I'm happy to see you too" he says petting both horses as Harry gets them ready to go into the pasture.

"Do you wanna walk Carley?" He asks louis and Louis nods grabbing her reign.

Now, if he asked Louis a few weeks ago, that would've been a solid no.

Louis is actually really surprised of himself. He knows at first he was upset and annoyed to be spending his summer here and now he's grateful he got to come. He would've never have met Harry and got to bond with his aunt the way he has. It's going to actually be really hard to leave. Especially due to a certain boy.

Speaking of certain boy. Harry helps him unhook Carley's reign when they get into the pasture.

Harry pulls his phone out to check the time, "it's 1pm, I gotta do the chickens" he thumbs over his shoulder.

"Are you hungry? I can go make us something to eat?" Louis suggests.

"Sure, babe" he says kissing Louis quickly as he passed him to go towards the coop.

After Louis whips up a quick meal for him and Harry, Harry's finished by the time Louis plates the food. They eat in the living room and watch shitty rerun movies on tv. Louis is practically in Harry's lap as they eat. He can't help it.

Their day pans out like that. Cuddled up together on the small couch, watching movies.

Harry goes out again to lock up the horses before they start getting ready to go to the bonfire. Louis is in his room trying to pick out clothes to wear. He's bent over looking his suitcase trying to find a shirt he must have not unpacked when he feels hands on his hips. He quickly stands up pressing back into the body.

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