Calls and Dinner

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You're driving back to the BAU when Spencer's phone begins to ring

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You're driving back to the BAU when Spencer's phone begins to ring. You look in the rear view mirror as he's looking down at his phone and then quickly looking out the window again. Clearly not answering his phone. 

You turn your focus back to the road when Derek begins to talk. 

"They seemed pretty cool. Good group of detectives to work with." He says, looking at you. 

"Yeah, but who let's them drive their personal car to the crime scene? Could you imagine if I showed up to a crime scene in my Ford Fusion? Hotch would have my head." You say, turning into the parking garage. 

"We wouldn't have trouble solving that murder case." Derek laughs and you smile as you park the car. 

You get out of the car and shut the door, Spencer walks around to your side as Derek heads for the elevators. Spencer's phone begins ringing again and you look at him curiously. He pulls the phone out of his pocket and immediately silences it. 

"Why does your phone keep going off?" You ask as you head towards the elevator. 

"Some number keeps calling me. I have no idea what's going on." He says. He sighs, shoving his phone back into his pocket. 

"Maybe you should just answer it." You say, getting into the elevator and pressing a button. 

The elevator doors shut and begins moving to your floor. Spencer sighs next to you and you look at him. 

"I really don't know how to make sense of this case." He says. "There's a dead body and traces of sulfur...It just doesn't add up." He says.

"Weren't you the one telling me we would make sense of it?" You tilt your head at Spencer, his words of encouragement from earlier echoing in your mind, now making you feel like you can't solve this case. Murder and sulfur do not mix. 

"Yeah, but thinking about it now, I don't know how to connect it." Spencer says looking at you before leaving the elevator. 

You follow him through the bullpen and head to the conference room where the rest of your team is, standing around the table. You cross your arms and stand in between Spencer and Emily Prentiss. 

"Derek says you guys found sulfur at the crime scene." Hotch says.

"Yeah, we were thinking they were using it to make sulfuric acid to make explosives." Spencer adds. 

"I found blood upstairs on the hallway wall. It looked like it was intentionally placed there. I mean the body wasn't even found on that floor it was in the basement. Everything else was perfectly clean on the main floor."

"And what does that mean?" Hotch asks you. Everyone turns their attention to you. 

"It means that they are using it as a distraction. Or merely the unsub just doesn't care. He's being careless with the blood. They're confident they won't get caught. Making us focus on all the wrong things..." You sigh and run your fingers through your hair, wondering if the sulfur is a distraction as well. 

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