11: "I can't wait"

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Soulmate (soon with hearts?)

Three days left until Saturday

T h r e e  d a y s

Oh wtf did I just do

*ThrEe dAyS

Why won't you accept the fact
that you've accepted t h i s

BecAusE iT's dUmB-

W h y

It jUst iS

I t s n o t

Only bOomErs do that

I feEl oLd oKay

Did you just call me old-

WhAt iF I dId

Eric s t o p you're literally
hurting my eyes

Only if you stop doing thAt

Remember what we agreed to
like weeks ago?

A c c e p t a n c e

T o l e r a n c e

Man it already has been weeks
since I first texted you, huh

Feels like so much longer

Sweet, but don't try to change
the subject please

Yeah yeah


I'll try to not feel like a grandpa
or imagine you as a grandpa I guess?

Wtf first I'm your soulmate, then
your mom and now a grandpa??

What am I??

Am I even a person

Maybe, maybe not

What is a person, actually

Why do we have another word
for humans?

Language doesn't even make sense
at this point

Wholeheartedly agree



Oh wow I was waiting for you to
add something but apparently you
are bad at giving examples


I just didn't want to talk about school
again, foreign languages are
another thing I sucked at

Spanish was a mess

You took spanish??

French was too...idk, it's just

You took it?

Yeah but only to sound classy


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