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Mia's P.O.V:

'Hey Seb, it's been 5 years from that day I lost you. I don't remember a single day when I didn't miss you. You were always there for me. But you know, your part has been taken by Dean. He did everything what you did to protect me. He even trained me in fighting like you. He says I am quite impressive at punching. You never said any nice word to me during training but he did. OK sorry, I should not compare you with him. Sorry.

You know Dean got a job in Alizonal enterprise. He is doing pretty well there. I too got a job in Successor Magazine. Daisy and Noah had got married. They are expecting their first baby soon. Congratulations Seb, you are going to be an uncle. I and Dean are planning our wedding after Daze's delivery. Damien had made himself busy in his job so much that he doesn't even look at girls now. It's mine, Daze and Mateo's mission to set him up with someone." I laughed while writing in the silent grave yard in front of Seb's grave where only the birds chirping sound were heard. Dean gave me a confusing look from the gate of the graveyard. I ignored him and continued writing. "Apparently, Mateo is gay. He is dating a guy from that Sinestar bar. Jim is still hooking up with random girls. Stephen, well he got scholarship from another institute for his excellent result. Now we are not in touch. Broody, as the silent guy he is, he went to his home town. He sometimes calls Dean but doesn't talk to me. Tyler, well, he has an interesting story. When we were dealing with Dean's problem with his father, Tyler had to go to another city to treat his Brother Peter's autism. When he came back, he got to know about me and Dean being in relationship. That night Tyler proposed me. He said he loved me from the very start. I didn't knew what to say. He gave me 24 hours time to think about it. On the next day, I politely denied his proposal. Then what he said broke my heart. He said that he got it. Even if I would have chosen him then too it was difficult for us to be together because he had to move permanently to another country for his brother's treatment. He said that maybe we were never meant to be together. He wished me good luck in my life. I wanted to hug him for the last time but he denied. After that day I never met him. I miss him though.'

I felt something fell on me. It was a small white flower. I looked at the source. It was Dean. He showed me the watch reminding me I have spend more than One hour here. I showed him my hand indicating 5 more minutes.

'Your brother-in-law is jealous of you as I am spending more time with you. Sometimes I felt that maybe he blames himself for what happened. He protects me like he owes to you. In difficult situation he always asks me what would have you did if you were in this situation. Maybe he thinks you are his idol. I don't know but sometimes I see your image in Dean. Whenever I said 'no' to something, he says that Seb will did the same if he was here. With the use of your name he blackmails me. Maybe you are 6 feet under now but you are always present with us.

- Love you. Your Mini'

I ended and attached the paper with the flower garland and placed that on Seb's grave.

"Done?" Dean asked. I nodded. He looked at Seb's grave for some seconds, maybe complaining about me. He then put his hand on his chest then looked at me. "Take a picture that will last long"

"Why would I take a picture when I have the whole model with me"

"Very funny" he helped me to stand on my feet. "Let's go" he put his hand around my shoulder. I looked last time at Seb's grave. I sigh when we got out of the graveyard and on the main street. People were all busy on this pleasant Thursday morning. Children were running here and there. Cars were rushing one by one. A mother was soothing a crying child in front of the pet shop. I smiled at that.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"I wonder what the ladybugs will name their coming small ladybug"

"Interesting question but let them decide that. What will we name our child?" I looked at him. "What? We will have our children in future so why not think about it now" I nodded. We walked some seconds in silent. "Sebastian" he said suddenly.


"We will name our son Sebastian. And our daughter we will name..."

"Rose" I said.

"Rose Mathew, Sebastian Mathew, Mia Mathew and Dean Mathew, a small sweet family" he declared.

I smiled at this crazy boy. I never thought that one day I will be so much close to this crazy boy. I rested my head on his chest. I still not believe that this school bad boy who doesn't ever care anybody, partying around, hooking up, the irresponsible person has became so responsible now. He is the second Seb to me now. I looked at Dean. He was lost in thoughts. "What are you thinking?" I asked.

"I was wondering why you agreed to marry me."

"What? Did you forget that you are the one who even took the train to beg me to marry you. Obviously, because of my generosity I agreed." I said looking at my nails.

"I begged you? When? Aren't you the one who wanted me to propose you otherwise you would have been left me"

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"I know everything baby" with that he kissed my forehead. "See you wanted me to kiss you on your forehead."

"What? I? No-"

"Don't say anything. Don't even try to deny it. I know what you are thinking. I know everything."

"Oh really, then tell me what I am thinking right now."

"Hmm. Give me a second. I will tell you what you are thinking" He closed his eyes to concentrate. I smiled at his childishness. I am so in love with is man. When he was just thinking what to say, I reluctantly said-



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