The Burgeoning Family

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21 The Burgeoning Family

"Maybe, someday, you'll understand what I did, and maybe, someday, you'll find it in your heart to forgive us." -Dexter Vaughn to young Macy, as recounted by Melanija Paradis, Ch.21, "Callahan: A Gothic Tale"

4:45 pm, Seven Weeks In, Mid-Autumn 1994, Ambient Lounge

A colorful indigo-and-gold piece of paper caught her eye as she made her way back to the ambient lounge. Upon closer examination, she realized it was an open invitation to a fraternity Halloween party. As a child, she'd loved trick-or-treating with her father, but things changed in the early 2000s, and it was the discovery she had a biological younger sister born that evening that finally put the puzzle pieces in place.

5 pm, Halloween Night, Early 2000s, Vaughn Residence

It's time, the text read. Dexter stared harder at the screen, as if to impart himself to Marisol's side at Hilltowne Hospital, a few states away, knowing such a thing were impossible, not without a Whitelighter, and Harry was busy tying things up over at Vera Manor. Without a moment's hesitation, Dexter conducted an internet search and booked a round-trip flight to Hilltowne, Michigan. If everything went according to plan, he'd be able to say a quick greeting, then pop home in time to wish Macy goodnight...after trick-or-treating.

He groaned, remembering he'd promised he would take her trick-or-treating this final year—"the last year of childhood"—Macy called it. She'd been looking forward to it, talking of nothing else for the past two months, meticulously scouring the vintage shops for fabrics and dress styles to create her costume for Alice Ball, African American chemist who pioneered the most effective treatment against leprosy in the early 20th century. Granted, it was a modest costume, with long hanging robes that looked more appropriate for a doctoral graduation ceremony, but Macy was unique like that, and it made him love her all the more.

"Dad, where's your costume?" he heard a familiar voice pipe up. He spotted Macy in her flowing, draped garb.

"Mace, about that..." his voice trailed off. "I have emergency business to attend to tonight. Neighbor Sylvia's gonna have to take you this time—"

"But why?" Macy whined, disappointment creeping in. "I got all As this quarter, picked my own outfit, did what you promised—"

"Sweetie, I know—it's just—your mom—"

"She's in a cemetery—that's what you said—"

"Right," he swallowed hard. "And I'm gonna have to give you a rain check—this one time—"

"Like all the other times you go away for business?" Dexter froze, realizing just how perceptive his daughter was.

"I work hard to provide for this family, young lady—"

"But all you do is visit her in Hilltowne—the cemetery—" Whew. He found himself able to breathe once more. So she didn't know the whole truth.

"That's not true—"

"She's DEAD. And she's NEVER COMING BACK!" Macy hollered. "I'm here—I'm lonely—and I'm the one alive—" and she ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind her as she began to sob in earnest.

7 pm, Halloween Night, Early 2000s, Vera Manor

The door swung open as Ray marched inside, huffing and puffing under the weight of several suitcases which he left in the entryway. By now, he imagined, Marisol would be cooking him something delicious, Mel would be running up to him for a hug, and he'd regale them with stories of his last Indiana Jones-style adventure.

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