Of Plumes and Phase Two Trials

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25 Of Plumes and Phase Two Trials

"Do the best that you can, but also, you're great as you are." -@missmads, YouTube vlog 10/25/20

11 am, Same Day, Six Weeks and Five Days In, Mid-Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Laboratory

Macy re-examined her labelled-by-number petri dishes—each with a trace amount of Scythe—and the isinglass, carrageen, agar, and pectin in separate containers inches away. Of course, like any good scientist worth their salt, she had a control sample of Scythe bits, which she would examine in the hours to follow. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Cora peering through the doorway, staring at her charges through her Jackie-O sunglasses. Behind her, Macy sensed Dima's movement, guessing he was putting together an experiment of his own.

Her experimental procedure was as follows: two drops of isinglass in petri dish 1, two drops of carrageen in petri dish 2, two drops of agar in petri dish 3, and two drops of pectin in petri dish 4. The control was housed in petri dish 5. This wouldn't be too bad, right? Just a couple of drops. Not much risk of catastrophic damage in two little drops...right?

Taking a deep breath, she unscrewed the container of isinglass extract, pipetting the substance, tapping her middle finger against its plastic to rid it of air bubbles, before placing two drops exactly into the awaiting petri dish 1. Noticing condensation beginning to gather, she drew closer, grabbing her notebook and pen to jot down observations. Oh wow, she gasped, noticing a series of soapsud-like clusters gathering, increasing by the minute. This was definitely interesting—absolutely—


Macy's head snapped back as the clusters—punched her in the face? She blinked hard, shaking her head to ensure she hadn't suffered any odd muscular damage. Luckily, she wore her lab goggles, so all she needed to do was reach for a paper towel from the shelf above her—and wipe the residue—

But why wasn't it coming off?

And what was that fishy smell?

Oh God. Isinglass was composed of air bladders...of fish.

11:45 am, Mid-Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Laboratory

Distilled water was a lifesaver. Not only had it rid her goggles of smoky sticky pesce, it had helped clean her work station and helped to sanitize and deodorize the laboratory minutes before Cora performed her hourly check-in (ostensibly, to make sure nobody burned the building down by accident). The Glade air fresheners did help a great deal too.

Isinglass: foam bubbles, malodorous, physically unpleasant (wear goggles, have Glade and distilled H2O on hand)

Use for Scythe: stinky distraction/more trouble than worth; 2/10 do not recommend

She closed her notebook and sighed. Carrageen was next.

12:30 pm, Mid-Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Laboratory

After nibbling at the crunchy toasted peanut butter and vanilla pear jam sandwich Harry had packed her, she dusted the crumbs off her blouse, went back indoors, and found herself at her workstation once more, staring at petri dish 2, carrageen.

Basically, she was looking for a gelatin substance that would, ideally, break down Scythe's compound structure—dissolve it, burn it—she didn't care how. That shouldn't be too complicated, right? One would think.

"You know that is illegal, right?" Macy jumped as she heard Dima's voice behind her.

"I have no idea—"

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