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You are the son of Adam
and you are the son of Eve
You are the daughter of Adam
and you are the daughter of Eve
If you acknowledge this than
why act like we are cleaved
Like a cell in our body
that splits to grow again
But will we shamefully accept
that we are not growing
we are at the verge of slowly dying
Our hearts are turning into ashes
and souls possess by contagious disease slowly and slowly we are
turning into a paranoid
Why save the boy/men
Why save the girl/women
Why speak for justice
Why ask for rights
Why punish a rapist or a bully
or a killer
When that victim is not your brother
Or either your sister
Just burn all the flags of humanity
And kill all the birds of peace
Just let the women raped
Just let the mankind killed
Just let that little child bullied
Just close your eyes as if
you haven't seen
Just turn your heart if you
can't even speak
But if
there is this slightest sense of humanity
still glittering your soul
Than stand up and speak
Because every life is important
And every soul is worth to save

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