When I was five, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote "happy." They told me I didn't understand the question, and I told them they didn't understand life.
Quando eu tinha 5 anos, minha mãe sempre me disse que a felicidade era a chave para a vida. Quando eu fui para a escola, me perguntaram o que eu queria ser quando crescesse. Eu escrevi "feliz". Eles me disseram que eu não entendi a pergunta, e eu lhes disse que eles não entendiam a vida.
Frases em inglês com tradução
AcakHello to you who found my book, how are you? Stop by here and see some amazing phrases in English with translation to Portuguese, if you like let your vote and share. Thanks! Olá para voce que encontrou meu livro, tudo bom? De uma passadinha aqui...