Chapter 1

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It was like a month ago. Everything was normal, fun, memorable. Giggles was always heard through out the house as two boys and one girl played around the house.

Even though one boy suffered from asthma and depression, the other boy suffered from bipolar, depression, and he was going blind in both eyes. There is also a possibility that he may have a tumor.

For the girl, she was happy as can be as she played with her best friend and her cousin that she considers him as her other best friend. They all had smiles on their faces as they played.

That was all a memory.

That summer, the boy known as Alois that suffered with a lot of things was leaving his best friends house. His adopted parents were planning on going to the toy store because the blonde, known as Alois hasn't acted out of order, even though he suffers from a disorder that prevents him to behave at times.

On the way there, Alois noticed that his vision has worsened as the trees they rolled past, didn't even look like trees, more like globs of green and brown. His glacier eyes tried to fixed the picture as he squinted his eyes. But that didn't work.

"Mommy." He called with and innocent voice.

"Yes, honey?" She said just as sweet.

"My eyes-."

That's all he could make out. Nothing in slow motion, nothing in fast motion, everything stopped.

At that moment, no one was fast enough to react to the car that hit the blondes father car. They were stuck in the middle of the four way intersection as another car hit them. Once again, no one had fast enough reflects to react.

The time was at normal speed, but it seemed so fast.

At that moment everything changed the blondes life, as his eyes shut closed.

Alois was in a coma for two years, the boy laid in a hospital bed unconscious at the age of twelve. The doctors found that he actually had a tumor in his head, it was safely removed but the doctors are not sure if more will grow.

Every week for that two years, his best friend visited him. Having one-sided conversation with the sleeping boy. He would tell him how his guardian kept a cat in the basement and he had a sneezing fit. And the time His cousin came over and decorated the blondes guested room with his favorite colors and a few pink items to fit her taste.

Without the blonde answering back, his best friend known as Ciel became more depressed. It felt like he let the blonde slip away from his world. The bluenette known as Ciel, constantly blamed the accident on himself. He convinced himself that if he had begged his guardian to let Alois stay, then none of this would happen.

Alois' foster parents would still be alive, and he would be awake.

Another year pasted and no signs of Alois waking up, which caused more damage to Ciel. The longest he stayed at the hospital was a week, he knew the blonde didn't like to be alone, so he tried his best to stay by his side.

Two years passed and both boys are 15. People told Ciel to give up, but he couldn't take that chance, he knew in his heart that he would wake up. The girl, known as Lizzy gave up on him waking up. She seemed to forgot about him as she hung out with a group of girls and went shopping all the time.

In the house, Ciel would sigh a lot, and his guardian 'Sebastian' noticed that. He tried cheering him up with sweets, but that didn't show much effect.

A few months rolled around slowly for the bluenette. This specific day, Ciel left the hospital with Sebastian followed behind.

It was 9:18p.m as Alois stirred awake. He sat up, wincing in pain but laid back down from the lack of strength. He pulled his weak hand up and took the breathing mask off his face. He opened his icy blue tired eyes, but saw nothing.

He brung his slow weak hands up to his face and rubbed his eyes. He opened them again but saw nothing. He mentally panicked but on the outside it looked as if he was just staring at the ceiling. He heard someone walk in and a gasp coming for a lady.

The sound of foot steps left the room but it soon came back with more foot steps.

"Doctor, he's finally awake." A lady said. He panicked, he was just scared that he couldn't see. He heard foot steps on the floor next to his bed.

"Hi. Can you hear me?" The male doctor questioned slowly. Alois nodded, he wasn't going to try to speak due to dryness of his throat.

"That's good, Alois. Are you thirsty?"
Alois nodded once again, happy to receive something he needed. The blonde closed his eyes, seeming that he shouldn't just keep them open if he couldn't use them.

The doctor pressing the bottle water to his lips and Alois gladly accepted.

"How about you open your eyes so you can look around? You've been sleep for a few years, so I understand if it's really bright in here." The doctor said once Alois was done drinking.

The platinum blonde teen was shocked, but shook his head 'no.'

"And why not?" The doctor said curiously. Alois cleared his voice and tried to speak.

"I-I c-can't s-see." The doctor was shocked, even though Alois couldn't see it.

"Oh yeah, when you were younger, you were already losing your eyesight.
Since years have passed, it's completely gone, I'm sorry."

Alois didn't do anything but try to hold in his tears.

"Alois, can you remember correctly?" The blonde nodded 'yes.'

"This is bad news, but your parents were killed during the car accident."

The doctor said as he finish checking Alois' eyes. The blonde let the warm tears fall down his cold cheek.

"Y-you c-couldn't save... T-them?" His voice was still hoarse.

"I'm really sorry, but they were already dead when we found them... But there is this boy that visited you every week. Your best friend, Ciel." He said trying to make him happy again.

"C-Ciel?" More tears fell from his eyes. The memories of his face flooded in his mind, along with a girl he couldn't remember the name of.

"That right. I will call his guardian and tell them that you're away now, so tomorrow they can come and visit." The man patted his blonde head and walked off.

"W-wait..." He tried to shout, but that wasn't going to happen.

"Yes?" He said in between the doorway.
"H-how old a-am I?" More tears fell out his crystal eyes.

"You're 15. You've been 15 for four months." With that he was gone.

Alois sat alone, with only memories of what he saw in the past. They were blurry from his not so good eyesight.
In reality, he saw nothing but darkness.

And that darkness was very hungry to consume the blonde.

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