Chapter 2

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The doctor called Ciel's guardian 'Sebastian.' The phone rang at least three times until the person on the other end answered.
Someone other than Sebastian answered the phone.

"Hello?" The boy answered.

"I'm guessing this is Ciel. Well, I have good news." The doctor said with a smile.

"What is it!?" The bluenette asked quickly. You could hear the desperation in his tone as he recognized the mans voice.

"Well, Alois Trancy has woken up. He is in a little pain and weak at the moment. His memory seems to be good like he said, but I'm not for sure of that. You can come back tomorrow to visit him." He told.

Ciel smiled out of joy, the last time he did that was two years ago.

"T-thank you very much! I will tell Sebastian. See you tomorrow." With that, Ciel ended the call.

The doctor forgot to tell him that Alois was now blind, it seemed to completely slip his mind somehow. 'How could I be so forgetful?' He thought.

The blonde held his eyes closed, remembering his mothers and fathers face. How she would smile at him every chance she could.
Alois was about the cry, but then anger boiled inside him. He balled his weak fist and had a deep frown on his face. The reason was unknown. He remembered being anger when was younger, which made him even more mad. This lasted for about two minutes until he was in a fit of giggles.

The nurse from outside the room heard his little laughter and came into the room. "Hi, sweetie, what's so funny?" She asked while picking up the empty bottle of water.
Alois stopped laughing, but his smile never bothered to leave his face.

"It funny how dark the world really is." He said, turning his head towards the noise. The nurse didn't say anything, she just smiled and ruffled the platinum blonde hair.

Alois smiled into the comforting touch. The nurse took cared of Alois like her own son, she was especially happy to know that the boy was awake.

The blonde heard the woman leave the room, making him all alone once again. He sighed and opened his eye. "Nothing..." He whispered out. The blonde teen wondered how he looked now, he remembered his child-like features, his hair and eyes color, and his height.

He sighed and closed his eyes once again. He felt himself grow tired, the blonde was confused by this since he slept for like five years. Either way he let himself sleep with the darkness that surrounded him.

The next day the bluenette awoke early in the morning, around 6a.m. Ciel did his morning routine and finished around 6:55a.m. He ran into Sebastian room, not bothering to knock. He made as much noise as possible to wake up the sleeping man. Sebastian groaned and sat up, he rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the clock and sighed.

"Ciel, it's not Even 7." He looked up at the teen take was currently standing on his bed with his hands on his hips.

"It will be. Get ready, we will be leaving in 30 minutes." He basically ordered. Sebastian sighed at how bossy the child grown to be.

"Even if we do leave that early, Alois would probably still be asleep." He said getting out the bed.

"I don't care... I'll wait until he wakes up then." Ciel jumped from the bed to the floor and left the room for the tired man to get ready. He went down to his large living room, his heart was beating fast with excitement as he plopped down on the black couch.

He waited nearly 20 minutes and Ciel was becoming impatient. The bluenette was about to shout at slow man, but that wasn't needed as he walked down the stairs and grabbed the car keys.

The bluenette mentally smiled and jumped off the couch and headed out the front door. It was raining outside, the sound was actually soothing as it hit the top of the car.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Ciel jogged inside to get out of the rain and to hurry up and see the blonde. Sebastian followed in a normal speed which aggravated the young teen.

"Alois Trancy's room." Ciel said as he speed walked to the elevators without waiting for the lady behind the counter to give him permission. He was in the elevator shaking, due to his traumatic past, he grew a fear to being inside one, but he vowed to get over it.

Once the elevator stopped at the floor he needed, he ran right to the room he memorized the location. A few nurses told him to stop running, but he didn't comply. He walked into the room normally and sat in the usual chair he always sits in when he visits.

The blonde slept peacefully as his chest rises and falls down softly. Ciel smiled a little as he saw the blonde smile in his sleep.
The bluenette remembered the time when they were younger, Ciel would always cheer Alois up when he had his little episode. The sad expression on his face was gone instantly as the bluenette played and talked with him.

Nostalgia washed over Ciel as he thought of all the times he would come over to his house and play all sorts of games with Ciel and Elizabeth.

"Ciel?" Sebastian called as he entered the room. "You shouldn't run in a hospital, it's very dangerous. And you shouldn't leave without permission and without adult supervision." Sebastian scolded the teen. Ciel shrugged it off as he looked over at the peaceful blonde.

Sebastian sighed and sat in the chair next to Ciel, as they waited for the blonde to wake up. And a wait it was. It was already 1 in the afternoon.

"Are you hungry?" Sebastian questioned the drowsy teen.
"Y-yeah. I want some strawberry cake and strawberry tea." The bluenette stated.

"We don't have any made at the moment, but I would buy one if you want." Ciel was a spoiled brat at times, but he had his reasons, being raised from a rich family.

"No, I want you to make it." He narrowed his eye at his guardian. Sebastian sighed and left to go make his homemade cake and tea. 3o minutes has pasted and Ciel laid his face on the white sheets that Alois was under. It smelled like cherries, a smell too recognizable.

Then an hour past, Ciel was completely asleep with his head next to Alois' side.
The blonde stirred awake, but kept his glacier eyes closed. He tried to pull out his right arm from under the white sheets, but something was blocking it. Something warm. He used his left hand to feel the substance that was currently blocking him.

His hand laid on top of something soft. 'Was this hair?' Alois thought. His actions immediately stopped as the head began to move. The blonde was frozen from fright. He couldn't even see what or who it was.

Ciel pulled his head up and rubbed his tired eyes. "Alois, are you awake?" The voice called. Alois nodded slowly as he tried to make out the voice. It didn't sound like his doctor because he sounded a little young.

His thoughts were cut short when he felt something wrapped around his body. 'Was this a hug?' He thought. Either way, he wrapped his arms around the body that was hugging him anyway.

Ciel pulled back and smiled warmly. "Open your eyes so you can see who I am." The bluenette said.

Alois sighed softly and opened them, he looked toward the noise so it would seem that he could see. Alois smiled toward the voice talking, until he asked a certain question.

"Do you remember who I am?" Alois mentally panicked.

"Uhh..." Is all Alois could manage to get out.
"Y-you don't know who I am?" The voice sounded hurt. "T-the doctor said your memory was fine, how could you not remember?"

His voice sounded like he was on the verge of tears. Alois has to tell him his situation.

"M-my. My." He began, but the bluenette cut him off.

"I-I'm Ciel! Remember? We used to play all the time! You're m-my best friend!" Alois gasped out at the sudden outburst from the boy.

"C-Ciel..." He closed his eyes and smiled. "I know who you are, Ciel. It's just that." His smile vanished and was replaced with teary closed eyes.

"It's what?" Ciel was desperate.

The warm tears slipped from his closed eyes.
"I-I can't see you. I can't see anything. I'm blind now..."
He opened his bright eyes and the tears ran down his check more vigorously.

He couldn't see his best friend anymore.

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