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Jaystar: A blueish grey tabby tom with dark grey stripes; short-haired; dull blue eyes


Liongrasp: Black tom with grey eyes and white paws. Very fluffy. Mate: Specklespot.

Med Cats:

Junipersong: ginger dappled tabby she-cat with fiery stripes and white dapples across her pelt in star form; bright blue eyes. Apprentice: Drizzlepaw

Lakelight: An orange and black tabby tom with white ears; orange eyes.

Med Cat Apprentices:

Drizzlepaw/storm: Grey tabby tom with bluish stripes and a pure white muzzle- shockingly blue eyes


Canarychirp: Sun-colored she-cat with golden eyes. Mate: Greynose

Greynose: A white and grey spotted tom; amber eyes. Mate: Canarychirp

Hillrunner: A tan she-cat with light green eyes; fluffy. Apprentice: Dapplepaw

Redpelt: A red and orange tabby tom with orange eyes; short-haired. Mate: Jadestreak

Jadestreak: A dappled brown she-cat with light brown spots; fluffy; amber eyes. Mate: Redpelt. Apprentice:


Dapplepaw/tree: Dappled brown she-cat with light brown spots; very fluffy tail; amber eyes. Mother: Jadestreak

Leafpaw/jump: A brown she-cat with a dappled tail; orange eyes; short-haired. Mother: Jadestreak

Burnpaw/claws: A red and orange tabby tom with amber eyes; fluffy. Mother: Jadestreak


Specklespot: Gray dappled she-cat. Mate: Liongrasp.


Ravenkit: pitch black dappled cat with amber eyes. Prefers "they" and hates any other pronouns. Mother: Specklespot

Rainkit: A grey tom-kit with white paws; grey eyes. Mother: Specklespot


Grasstail: Brown tom; vibrant green eyes; very very fluffy. Kits often will fall asleep on him.

Oceanpelt: Gray she-cat with sleek fur and a sharp tongue.


Cama: An invisible cat that blends in with everything. The age of an apprentice, but as nobody can train him, he is not one. Mother: Jadestreak

Lifeseeker: A sleek and agile black she-cat with jade eyes

Hiddener apprentices:

Yelppaw: Despite his name, he is a very quiet and fast brown tom with baby blue eyes.



Badgerstar: a fluffy tabby tom with dark brown fur and black stripes.


Pumpkinpelt: a ginger she-cat with bright green eyes

Med cat(s):

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