Update Info

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So lately, and just generally for a while, I've been seeing a few comments about wishing for an update so I thought I would tell peeps what's up.

I already have a rough plan for the next chapter but have had a bit of trouble writing it. I think this is because I don't really have a fully formed out idea of how I want this story to plan out. I have a planned ending but only a vague idea of how to get there. This makes me feel as if the story has no real direction and is stagnating making it feel like there is no point to it. I also think I am having trouble writing this story because I am not as involved and interested in the Marvel fandom and movies. I do still enjoy them but not as much as I used to so I find it hard to write the characters accurately, at least in my opinion.

Another reason why I haven't done anything more with this story recently is because I haven't had the time. College has been busy lately, especially as I recently had a deadline for my project with a lot of catch up. I have also been busy preparing to apply to university (mainly over lockdown) by looking at the courses, towns and writing my personal statement.

I plan to continue this story but before I do I will write up a more concrete plan of the story as a whole. Once I have done that I may edit some of the chapters and add new ones in between if needed to make it flow better and fit the final plan. I don't know how long this will take especially as I will prioritise college and my uni applications as well as anything else important happening in my life.

During all this, I may write some short drabbles and one-shots to helpfully get back into writing these characters and about this franchise.

Hopefully, this explains some things for the people that are interested.


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