Chapter 3: I Must Protect Him

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"Oh Dear Why Has This Happened? Said Mami."
I don't know, But Who Ever Did This To Him Is Pretty Sick! Said Kyoko."

"My His Soul Rest In Peace said Oriko."
Do you know what your going to do with this Body? Said Oriko."

"Well Obviously We Can't Let It Be Left Here said Kyoko."
Do you know how long it's been here? Said Mami."

"I don't know, a Day Or So Maybe What Do you want from me Seriously said Kyoko."
All I can think about is Giving Him a Proper Burial Instead of Leaving Here, Like What if the Cops Come That Would Make The Situation Worse and it Would be Spread over Mitakihara and The Whole World in Mid Seconds! Said Kyoko."

"She's Got a Point Oriko said Mami."
But its strange, His Body hasn't Started Decomposing?,
Yet He's Wounded and Covered It So Much Blood said Oriko Checking The Body."

"Did you Your Permissions Produced Anything Like This To Happen? Said Kyoko."
Not Really, But Whatever it is It's with most honest to find out who this man is or more likely Who was He In Life said Oriko."

"Oriko Checked His Pockets."
She Found a Pocket Watch With a Emblem On It."
The Pocket Watch was Stained With Blood." There was also a tear on the Coat The Man was Wearing, It could have come From a Pin That Teared Off In Some Sort of Fight."

"Is He a Butler? Said Mami."
What Do you mean? Said Kyoko."
Well His Outfit Makes Me Think of a Butler, Like a Victorian Butler in The 19th Century? Said Mami."

"Now That You Think of It? Said Kyoko."
Mami, Kyoko said Sayaka."
Sayaka what are you doing here!? Said Kyoko."
Modoka and Homura Were Behind Her."

"All Were In Magical Girl Forms." Wait is That!? Said Modoka." No way!? Said Homura." Sayaka was going to come up until Mami and Kyoko Blocked Her."

"Don't Look, It Isn't Pretty said Kyoko." Is this what you called Mami For? Said Sayaka." Yeah, It's Too gruesome To Say The Least said Kyoko."

"Modoka Gotten Sick, Knowing it was a Dead Body She Threw Up."
Modoka are you alright? Said Homura." Hey If Your Gonna Puke Do It Outside! said Kyoko."

"Mami Had To Tell Them Everything." Everything was a Shock For Everyone There."
Homura had Told The Boy Had Woken Up."

"His Names Is Ciel Phantomhive, That's What He Told Us Said Homura."
Poor Kid, So Your Saying He Doesn't Have Any Relatives that are Known about, Or Where or how he ended up in the Mess He was in? Said Kyoko."

"Mostly Likely, He Did Seem to Be British Like He Spoke English, and For Some reason we Could Understand him and what he was saying said Sayaka."

"He's Also Pretty Rude At Times, like seriously we just rescue you from whatever and This is How You Treat Us said Sayaka." Not to mention he Reminds me of You Kyoko said Sayaka."

"Hey What The Hecks That Supposed to Mean! Said Kyoko."
I am Just Saying said Sayaka."
Oriko and Kirika Took Out The Body Of The Man, Rapped in A tarp that Had Gotten."

"Kyoko Did you Dig The Hole For The Burial Yet? Said Oriko." Wait Your Burning Him already!? Said Sayaka."

"Well Oriko Said His Body Doesn't Look like it is Decomposing And We Got Enough Information On Him as It is So Give him a farewell and Find Out More about him that we can get said Kirika."

"Follow me guys said Kyoko."
They Place The Men's Body In a Hole Kyoko Dug a Hole."
They Gently Placed him the Hole and Then Buried Him."

"Oriko Said Somewhat of A Prayer." And Yuma Came With a Rock and Placed it on The Spot They Buried Him."

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