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The time for the first visit to Hogsmeade Village had finally swung around, and all the students of Hogwarts were bustling with excitement.

Mariana, herself, was more than ready to get away from Hogwarts for the day, the hustle and bustle of school becoming quite exhausting.

"How much would you like to bet that Camila Pierce and Cander Fodner are snogging?" Genevieve, Mariana's older sister, asked with a sly smile on her face.

Mariana sighed and looked over at the pair, analyzing their movements. Cander was braiding Camila's hair as she leaned back against his chest and spoke enthusiastically with one of her friends. "I suppose they look rather flirty."

"You suppose? No, they are definitely together." Genevieve decided, her analytical eyes trying to piece together every piece of information that was provided to her.

"If you're so sure, then why did you ask me?" Mariana knew there was no time to dawdle with things she had no business in. How unfortunate it was that her sister didn't think the same.

Mariana dug her cold hands into the pockets of her coat, and furrowed her brows in confusion at her sisters interest in the couple's relationship.

"What's it to you anyways?" The brunette girl asked, looking up at her sister who was only a few inches taller than her.

Genevieve laughed and patted her younger sister on the head, "Who else is going to expose relationships, break hearts, and inevitably make the whole school fall for her?" She joked, smiling at her younger sister.

Mariana laughed and shook her head at Genevieve's playful nature. No wonder she was sorted into Gryffindor, Genevieve had a thing for jokes and pranks.

Sure, it had caused slight division between the sister's relationship when they weren't placed in the same house, but there wasn't anything their bond couldn't conquer. They were so different, but still managed to maintain an extremely close relationship. Besides, Mariana had gone two years without Genevieve before she could even attend school with her.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Angelina, wanna come?" Genevieve offered, not wanting to leave her sister by herself.

"You shouldn't feel obligated to invite me places with your friends just because you fear that I will have to entertain myself. You do know I have several friends of my own, right?" Mariana asked as she raised an eyebrow, almost as if she was challenging her sister.

"Mariana Clementine Rosewood, how do you always manage to read me like a book?" Eve asked, smiling down at her.

Mariana shrugged, smiling widely. "It's just a little thing I do."
Hermione and Ron were wandering aimlessly around Hogsmeade, bored out of their minds without the company of Harry.

"I wish Harry would have gotten that bloody permission form signed." Ron complained, a permanent scowl etched on his face.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she scanned the line for Honeydukes, hoping her and Ron wouldn't have to wait too long until they got to go in. Apparently, it had been the hot place to visit amongst the students of Hogwarts.

But, Hermione had accomplished something even better through her mission. She spotted Mariana Rosewood speaking with a Ravenclaw student, a blissful smile on her face.

"Let's go chat with Mariana." Hermione said suddenly, as if she had just come up with the greatest idea in the world. Ron was visibly confused by the suggestion. They had never particularly went out of their way to speak with the pretty Ravenclaw, why were they interested in her all of the sudden?

"And why exactly would we do that?" Ron questioned. It wasn't that he was opposed to the idea, he actually found Mariana quite beautiful and alluring, he was just confused by them all of the sudden branching out. They didn't do that often. It had always just been Harry, Hermione, And Ron.

"Why must there be a reason? I would just like to speak with her, is that so bad?" Hermione asked, holding back from embarrassing Harry by exposing his slight liking for the girl.

"Oh please, there's always a hidden meaning behind everything you do, Hermione." Ron remarked.

Hermione scoffed and grabbed Ron by his coat, dragging him over to where Mariana resided. The girl had since split from her friend and was sitting on a bench by herself, reading a book that looked to be torn and old.

Once the two were standing in front of her, Hermione cleared her throat awkwardly, attempting to grab her attention. Mariana looked up in confusion, smiling when she saw the pair of friends standing before her.

"Oh, Hello." Mariana greeted, her voice sounding equivalent to the beauty of an angel.

Ron smiled awkwardly when he realized that all of the rumors he had heard about the girl were true. Her voice did sound like heaven, and her eyes really did seem as if they were reading every part of your soul as if it were a book.

"Hey, Mariana. What are you reading?" Hermione asked curiously, desperate to start a conversation before it became awkward.

"Pride and Prejudice, a book written by a muggle. But, in my opinion, muggle books are much better than books written by Witches and Wizards. We know that a magical reality exists, Muggles don't. All they have is their imagination and to me, that's beautiful. I apologize, I'm rambling." Mariana marveled, her eyes filling with joy as she spoke about something she loved. Hermione had heard of the book before and in the back of her mind, she was pretty sure she had read it at some point. Truthfully, she didn't know. Hermione had read more books than you could count.

"You're fine. Actually, I've never really thought about it that way." Hermione said, baffled by Mariana's wisdom and knowledge of things that most people don't acquire in an entire lifetime.

Ron stood awkwardly beside Hermione, having not even uttered a word in the idle conversation. Truly, he didn't know what to say. Books weren't his forte and neither was anything related to intelligence.

"Hey Mariana, you should spend the rest of the day with us. Harry isn't here, so we could use a little company." Hermione offered, smiling hopefully. The original goal of her mission was primarily for Harry, but after having exchanged a few words with the girl, she could see a friendship blooming.

"So you wouldn't have asked if Harry was present?" Mariana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! T-that's not w-what I meant. W-what I'm saying i-is that-" Hermione began but was cut off by the laughter of Mariana.

"I'm only joking, love. Of course I'll come." Mariana agreed, giggles still steadily flowing out of her. Hermione and Ron smiled at this, seeing that the girl had a playful nature to her.

Mariana joined the two, not knowing that it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and the doorway to the most genuine love the Ravenclaw girl would ever experience.

word count: 1080

i'm obsessed with my own character.
that is all.

𝙈𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙤𝙪𝙨 ✍︎︎ 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 Where stories live. Discover now