Chapter 9

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"Damn, I never realised how great of a cook you were Will," Henry told me sitting across the table from me. I snickered at that comment.

"I completely have no idea what you're talking about, I burnt the steak, how is that great" I was smiling amused.

"You're getting there...slowly" he chuckled, covering his smile with his freckled hand. He's so adorable. I heard stomping into the dining room.

"Father, I am s t a r v i-" 

"Oh how nice of you to join us, Michael, would you please put our dishes in the sink" Henry cut off Michael, as he stood up from the wooden seat. Michael glared at Henry, then rolled his grey eyes at him, grabbing Henry's plate, then going for mine. I watched Michael as he swiftly paced into the kitchen. Henry narrowed his eyes at mine, he had the most admiral smile. I moved up from my seat, instantly going towards Henry, grabbing his hand gently. I pulled his hand up to my lips, kissing his hand lightly.

"Damn, your hands are so soft" Henry's eyes widened from the statement I uttered, his face reddened.

"They...are? Is that a bad thing?" He briskly moved his hand away from mine, I shook my head.

"Of course not, why would it be" I snickered, "everything about you is great Henry, your honestly the most beautiful, incredible person I've met, nothing about you could be terrible" I spoke out to him, Henry grinned gratefully.

"Oh my god, get a room, I'm trying to pass by here" Michael angrily shouted at us, "y'all make me wanna go blehhhhh everywhere, losers" Michael imitated the sound of somebody throwing up. He shoved his hands into his pockets, stomping out of the kitchen. We just watched him, clueless. Henry and I looked at each other again and laughed.

I lay down underneath the thick, comfortable blanket next to Henry. He pressed his warm body against my back, cuddling me from behind, "William, I love you" Henry spoke, holding me closer than ever. 

"I love you too Henry" I smiled at his words. Me who couldn't help but turn around to face Henry, faced him, cuddling him close to me. I don't ever want to let him go, he's everything to me. I gently placed a kiss on his cheek, Henry opened his green eyes, to look at me, then he placed his pleasant, gentle lips on mine as I kissed back. The kiss got deeper and deeper. Our lips stopped touching, Henry was blushing, but managed to smile lovingly at me.

"Okay, time for sleep Will, I don't think we'd like to be tired in the morning" he kissed my forehead gently.

"Yeah, okay," I softly chuckled, "Night Henry"

Authors notes: sorry for the long wait for the new chapter, I hope it was alright though! I've just been busy with school and having a hard time to get inspiration. But I'll try to get a new chapter out soon, but I can't promise it tho :( I hope you're all having a good time, and don't forget to drink water :>

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