Chapter 42

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It's been hours. Waiting was torture. I hate waiting. So I was immensely relieved when they called me back to join Tina in the emergency room.

"They're finished with the tests. The doctor would like to talk to you," the nurse who was leading me back to Tina informed me.

"Is there's a problem? Has she gained consciousness?"

"The doctor will answer all of your questions," she told me as she pulled back the curtain. Tina was still laying there with her eyes closed and beside her bed was her doctor.

"Mr. Bragin?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I was told you were the contact in regards to Tina's care?"

"Correct." I wish he'd just jump right to the point because my anxiety was hitting the roof.

"We obviously released her too soon but the development wasn't present before."

"Development?" I asked. I swallowed hard though my mouth went dry.

"Tina has fluid on the brain. It's what caused her disorientation and ultimately her fall."

"Is it why she's unconscious right now?"

"It could be related. Sometimes the body chooses to shut down in order to heal, but I can't say  for certain."

"So what now?" I sincerely hoped they had a plan.

"She has to undergo a procedure. We need to drain the fluid from her brain to relieve the pressure it is causing before it becomes a blockage."

"She has to go through brain surgery?!" I asked alarmed.

"I've talked with a specialist. She believes we should do and ETV - endoscopic third ventriculostomy, basically what that means is we aren't going to insert a shunt and tubing to drain the fluid instead we will be making a hole in the floor of the brain to allow the trapped fluid to escape to the brain's surface where it can be absorbed."

"Are there possible complications?" My body tingled, every nerve on edge, my skin was crawling. I just want this nightmare I walked into to end.

"Every surgery has that possibility, Mr. Bragin. We opted for this procedure over inserting a shunt as it puts her less at risk for infection, and has fewer possible side effects."

"Side effect?"

"We can't say for sure we'll know more once she comes to. But some side effects can occur. I just want you to be prepared."

"Okay," I said trying to prepare myself but not having a clue on how to make that happen.

"Since this, all occurred so quickly, I don't really expect there to be any issues. There is a chance, however, that Tina could experience nerve problems. Possible numbness down one side of her body, double vision, hormone imbalances. There is a small possibility she may become epileptic, but that is very rare."

A misguided laugh escaped my lips. "Is that all?"

The doctor's eyebrow rose in response. I'm gathering by his reaction, that he's under the impression I'm not taking him seriously.

"I'm sorry. I've had a lot to deal with these last few days and I didn't mean..." I backpedaled. 

"I need you to know all the risks and possible outcomes. It's not a guarantee. I honestly expect her to pull through this procedure just fine, but I'd be neglect in my duties if I didn't give you full disclosure."

"I understand," I said, sobering up so he knew I got how serious this was. I didn't bother to ask the obvious. Could she die? knowing all surgery comes with that risk.

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