Chapter 18

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You completly disregarded what he had just said and kept walking. "Are you coming or not, Amazook?" He nodded and walked beside you. Just like at the castle, it had felt like hours before you got back to the Amazook facility. As usual, when you both got in the building you were bombarded with questions from Googel and Everyism. You were almost finished explaining to Everyism that 74j didn't look, "hot as hell", on stage next to you when you were pulled aside by Fiddle. 

"Don't think I didn't see." He said, looking at you with cold eyes.

"See what?"

"What happened last night and today. All of it, I saw it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." You lied to his face even though you could already tell that not only did he know, but he was pissed off about it. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Atleast don't act like you love me. Don't act like you care about me." He raised his hand up to slap you but hesitated and instead walked away. Everyism looked at you with a pitiful look on his face. "Y/N, are you oka-"

"FUCK OFF. YOU ONLY MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE FOR ME. MAYBE IT'S THE PURPOSE BEHIND YOUR NAME? I'LL NEVER KNOW BECAUSE ALL YOU DO IS TALK AND TALK AND MESS EVERYTHING UP FOR ME." You didn't even bother to grab your stuff before running out the door, tears rolling down your cheeks. You didn't see a point in even going to your house. You would only feel worse there. You ended up going to some sort of old timey store called Brokebustors. They sold movies, right? Wouldn't hurt to look around...

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