You hang out

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Luke called you today so you could hang out and you were really excited. He was picking you up in 10 minutes so you were waiting nervously for him.

When Luke arrived you started getting nervous. When you answered the door Luke greeted you with an insanely cute/hot smile which you returned.

The car ride there was silent not the awkward kind but the relaxing kind. When the car stopped you noticed ye were pulled up outside MacDonalds.

"MacDonalds?" you said raising your eyebrow. "Uh......y-yeah...if you want we could go somewhere else"Luke said nervously.

"No it's fine" you said finding how nervous he could get cute.

You had an amazing time with Luke.

At your door Luke was staring at you which you didn't mind but he did something totally unexpected he kissed you.

When he pulled away you looked skocked"sorry"Luke muttered turning around.

You grabbed his arm pulling him back and connecting your lips again

Hello again! 2 updates in 1 night!!!:) I'm also thinking of ideas for a Luke Hemmings FanFiction so.....yeah byeeee

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