Part One

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So I'm not going to try and make my grammar great because I'm pretty busy I'll try my best.
Third POV
Lauren layers down her phone on the desk next to her bed with her headphones in her ears playing Adele and slid under her covers. She was wearing her oversized Kakashi T-shirt, a sports bra, and underwear. She fell asleep before she knew it thinking about the ending to her favorite anime, Naruto.

She woke up shivering. It was pouring, and somehow Lauren was outside next to an 8 foot stone wall. Her phone was beneath her body, protecting it from the rain and her headphones were no longer in her ears or playing music.

A million things were going through her head: Is this a dream? Where the hell am I? Why the hell is it pouring?

She stood up, only then realizing that she barely had clothes on. Lauren punched herself, then kicked the wall, the punches a tree- all of which hurt like a bitch. This was in no way a dream.

She took hold of her phone which was slightly wet and dialed her mom. As soon as the phone started to ring, the operated said the the number was no longer  available. Lauren dialed her dad, and the same thing happened. Her two brothers, the same thing.

Tears started to stream out of her eyes. Lauren had absolutely no clue where she was or how she got there. She leaned against the wall and sobbed at the loss of family and sanity. Then, she heard voices on the other side of the wall. Bring only 5ft 1, there was no possible was to look over the wall, so she followed the wall to try and find an opening.

After about 10 minutes of walking with no pants in the freezing rain, she found an entrance with two males sitting in a booth watching the path in front of her.

Lauren was about to take a step forward to greet them when she realized again her lack of clothes. A panic rose in her chest. If only one of these males were a female, maybe then she would have the courage to go up.

She moved a little closer to the gate and peeked her head around the wall to glance at the men, trying to feel out their perviness. Both of them looked oddly familiar.

When she was just about full of enough I-don't-give-a-shit vibes, the two men saw her.

"Hey," one of the said loud enough for her to hear. "What are you doing hiding over there? Are you new to Konoha? Come over here we can check you in."

"K-Konoha?" She mumbled.

They heard her and the other one answered back: "Yes, Konoha, Konohagakure, the hidden leaf village... Why are you still hiding?"

Lauren stepped out slightly from behind the wall. Her oversized Kakashi tee went to her upper thigh, the design on the front was covered by her arms that were clinging to her chest because of the cold. She was shivering, her teeth chattering, and her hair soaked.

The two men stood for a second, moths open at the sight. The the one who had spoken to her first got up and approached her. He was taking off his rain cloak as he walked towards her.

"Here, take this. You must be freezing," he said as he gave her his white cloak.

"Th-thank you," Lauren said as she looked up at him and took the cloak.

When Lauren saw his face that close she automatically understood where she new him from by the senbon in his mouth and believed that she was in Konoha.

"Why are you out in the rain dresses like that? Did something happen? Are you sick?" The other one said, he was approaching her too after she had put on the cloak.

"I-I don't know how I got here."

"You don't know? Where are you from?" Genma said.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Said the other one.

"The last thing I remember is being in my bed and then I woke up her in a place I didn't even knew existed. I-I..." Lauren was starting to tear up again.

Genma and the other man looked at each other and whispered a few words back and forth. Then Genma extended his hand.

"Why don't you come with me. We'll go to the Third Hokage, he'll know what to do," he said.

Lauren hesitantly took his hand and was led down a busy street. She attracted a lot of attention, but Lauren wasn't sure if it was because she was holding hands with Genma, shivering uncontrollably, or half naked.

After a few minutes of silence, Lauren couldn't hold back her question anymore.

"Your name is Genma, Right?"

"I- yes. But how did you know that? I don't think Aoba said my name," he replied.

"I just know." He looked at her, puzzled beyond belief at how she 'just knew' his name. He was even more confused when she asked her next question while staring at the Hokage heads.

"How long ago was Lord Fourth'a death?" Lauren said.

Genma looked her dead in the eyes and flicked his senbon around between his lips. "I though you didn't know this place existed?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "He died about 12 years ago, but I guess you would know that if you lived here so we can rule out that you're a citizen of Konoha."

They went quiet again. Genma kept his eyes on Lauren as the approached the Hokage tower. They entered through the door and climbed the stairs to end up in front of a big door. Genma knocked and almost immediately someone answered with a 'come in'. The two entered two find Lord Third talking with a member of the anbu.

"Hello, Genma," greeted Lord Third. He then said a hushed word to the anbu who disappeared in a second, leaving just the three of them.

"Lord Third, this girl was found at the village gate. She says she doesn't know how she got her or that this village existed. She did know my name when I'm sure I've never met her, and she was curious about Lord Fourth's death." Genma reported. "She also had a shirt that said Kakashi on it." The last sentenced was said in a hushed tone, intended for only the Hokage to hear, but Lauren heard it as well.

Her mind went into panic mode once again. She hadn't realized that they had seen her shirt. If Kakashi is in this Naruto world, which it seems he is, she would be labeled as a total freak for having a shirt with him and his name on it!

"Thank you, Genma. You can return to you past now I'll take it from here." Genma left with a bow.

"What's you name?" Lord Third asked.

"Lauren," she answered.

"You must know Kakashi very well to have his name on his shirt. How do you know him?"

"I don't."

"You don't? Well if you didn't then you wouldn't know his name, therefore I wouldn't be on you shirt. I'll ask you again, you won't be in trouble no matter your answer, just tell me how you know Kakashi and maybe we can figure out how to get you home."

Lauren wanted to go home. Her dog was sick, she was in the middle of writing an essay that was due the next morning, and she missed her parents- but she couldn't get herself to tell Lord Third anything about Kakashi. As much as she wanted to lie and say something normal, she just stood in front of him, still shivering, shaking her head.

He drew in a deep breath and sighed. "I will have to ask him then. You can take a seat in that chair."

'Ask him?' She thought. Lauren was in no way prepared for her anime crush to be in her presence, but was excited by the idea. However, the excitement  drained when she realized Kakashi would be just as confused as Lord Third about her shirt.

As she was thinking to herself about Kakashi, Lord Third had already called in an anbu to search for him.

Ok so that was pretty long. Is it too wordy? Should there be more dialogue? Lmk what you think! :)

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