Chapter 2 who am i

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Beep beep beep

I slammed my hand onto the alarm to quieten it. I was upset that I had been woken from the amazing dream I was having well except for getting hit by a car that sucked.

When I open my eye and I was in a different new place this room was a modern-style room nothing like the small run-down room my parents made me stay in. The walls were also lacking all of my favorite anime posters which was the only thing I liked about my room.

My brain was trying to comprehend what was going on could my dream not have been a dream. I got out of the comfortable bed and made my way over to the mirror that hung on the closet door.

My reflection still looked like me except I didn't have any scars that were given to me by my parents and the kids at school. People always told me that I was pretty now the words that followed that statement were how they were going to fuck up my pretty face but they did call me pretty.

I heard a noise coming from outside the room and as much as I wanted to just crawl back in bed I need to find out answers. I walked out of the room and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There was a plump middle-aged woman making food and the moment I saw her I knew who she was, Inko Midoriya, the mother of Deku was in front of me. I was so shocked I just stared at her like some type of creeper.

Inko notices me and gave me a big smile. "Good morning y/n how did you sleep"

Shit I'm supposed to act like I have amnesia let's hope my acting skills have to improve

"I'm sorry but I don't know who y/n is" I try to sound as convincing as possible

Inko laughs as if I'm telling a joke but when she notices my face is serious she automatically goes into freak-out mode.


Inko's shouting causes a green-haired boy to run down the stairs.

"What's wrong," Deku asked

I almost had a heart attack right then and there. Seeing Deku in front of me in 3d form was too much for me to handle. Everything around me became dark and I lost consciousness.

Time skip

I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks at less that's what hit my head on the floor at full speed felt like. I open my eye only to be blinded by bright lights. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I could tell I was in the hospital. I had an iv in my arm and a monitor that was keeping track of my heart.

"Hey you're up" Deku walked into my room

My heart monitor started to speed up so I started to take deep breaths to try and slow down my heart.

"Hello" I try to be calm while talking to him trying to not go fan girl mode I'm sure that would scare him what happened"?

Deku pulled a chair to my bedside and he set down.

"You passed out so mom and I brought you to the hospital. She told the doctor that you said you couldn't remember anything"

"Yes I'm sorry I don't know who you are and I'm not even sure who I am. Your mom called me y/n so I'm guessing that's my name." I try to sound convincing

Please forgive me for not being honest with you Deku

He gave me his sincere look that looks only Deku can make.

" yes, your name is y/n l/n about a month ago your parent was in a car accident, and without any family, you enter foster care. My mom and I took you in but that is all I know about you. You never really opened up to me or mom we assume you were still grieving. This is actually the most we ever talked." Deku explained

"I'm sorry if I have been off-putting to you." I apologize

Deku started to freak out

"Oh, n-no I'm sorry if I made it seem like we didn't want you. I know that you have been through a lot" he stammered

"How about we start over" I stick out my hand "hi I'm y/n l/n nice to meet you"

Deku blushed and took my hand into his

"I'm Izuku Midoriya I hope we can be great friends".

After we finished shaking hands Inku and a doctor walked inside.

"Hello y/n I'm Dr.Light I just got done talking to Mrs. Midoriya and she has informed me of your situation and what we could gather from your CAT scan you have so abnormalities in the memory portion of your brain. I would like to run some more tests to see if we can pinpoint the problem." Dr.Light said

"Whatever you want Doc," I said

Some tests turn into a lot of tests and a lot of questions. I ended up spending 3 days in the hospital the conclusion they came up with is that my grief caused me to forget all the people I knew but it didn't affect any other part of my brain. Which was luck they say so I wouldn't have to relearn anything but I would just have to be reintroduced to people.

Izuku and Inko were both really nice and visited me every day while I was in the hospital. Inku took time off work and Deku skipped school on my last day so they could both make sure I got back to the Midoriya household okay.

As soon as we got home Inku said she was going to make us lunch so Izuku and I decided to go hang out in his room.

"I-I should clean up before you come in" Izuku stammered

"I don't mind Izuku, " I say as I open the door and let myself into his room

Seeing Izuku's room in person is crazy it's like all might heaven. Posters, action figures, clothes, etc all of it all might. If all might goes missing they will check Izuku's room first.

"I-i know it's embarrassing" Dekus whole face was red

"It's amazing"

I smiled at him


Her smile makes me feel warm

"T-thank you"

I know my face must be red I can feel how warm it is. I watch as she goes over to my desk and picks up my hero notebook.

"What's this"? She asked

Dammit she is going to think I'm weird like everyone else

I didn't have time to answer as she opened it and started to go through it.

"Wow, Izuku this is amazing you have basically made a detailed database on all the pro heroes. You should make this into a book I'm sure people would love to buy it"

Did she just compliment me?

"N-no it's just a hobby I like to do I'm sure no one else would be interested"

"It really is great Izuku " she walked over and put her hand on my shoulder "don't put yourself down"

My face heated up again and I had to turn away from y/n.

"Y/n I was wondering do you have a quirk," I asked

I had asked her before the incident but she never answered she just stared at me

"Honestly I don't know I can't remember but even if I don't I still want to be a hero".

Did she just say she wanted to be a hero even if she quirkless?

"I have no quirk and when I would tell people I wanted to be a hero they would just laugh" I'm not sure why I was being so honest with her

"Never listen to them we will be heros together whether we have quirks or not"

Y/n pulled me into a tight hug at first I was shocked but I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in closer.

"Thank you y/n"

She's warm

She's perfect

She's mine

She's mine

She's mine

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