Chapter 1 Death

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If I had learned anything from my 15 years of life is that what can go wrong will go wrong. It all started from birth my parents say that the day that I was born was the day that ruined their lives. If anything went wrong in my parents' lives I was automatically the cause of the problem. My school was no better I had no friends because if anyone got close to me bad things seem to happen to that person. This made me an easy target for bullying and these immature kids sure love to take their problems out on me. The only comfort I had in this miserable world was reading manga; My favorite being my hero academia(Boku no hero academia aka bnha) I just could relate to the characters in the story.

I was spending my Fridays as I usually did. At my local bookstore buying manga. Truthfully I most times I just read manga for free but today I saved up to buy a new copy of bnha. I took it to the register, paid, and walked outside.

There was still enough light in the late evening sky so I could read as I walked. I was too impatient to wait till I got home to read.  I was so into my manga I didn't even notice that I had walked into oncoming traffic until I felt the pain of the car slamming into me. The impact of the car caused me to fly 50 feet however the manga never left my grip.

Dying wasn't what I expected I just felt really cold and then it felt like I was floating. The next thing that happens I was standing over my own dead body. No one even came to my aid the driver had just driven away without even checking on me.

"Wow girl you look rough," I said to myself.

My body was twisted in the wrong way and blood surrounded my now dirty body. I bent down and try to take the bnha manga from my dead hand but my now translucent hand just went through the book.

"Yeah that won't work you're kind of a spirit now and unfortunately you lost the ability to interact with the physical world"

I turn to the sound of the voice to see a mass of dark mist.

"Are you the grim reaper?" I asked

"You know out of all the names you humans have given me that one is my favorite" the mist replied

"Okay let's go," I said

"Wait what" the mist yelled in shock "you're not going to cry, beg for a second chance, or ask why"

"No my life has never been good and I never wanted to take my life but I never wanted to keep it either. I don't know what waits for me on the other side but I can only hope it's better than what I have now." I honestly wasn't scared

"You're a very interesting human it's probably been 100 years since I meet someone like you so I'll do you a favor I'll answer one question about anything you want"

The mist had moved closer now standing right in front of me and I could not see any human from only blackness. I looked down at my deformed body and saw the bnha manga still in my hand at that moment I knew my question.

"How does my hero academia end?" I asked looking into the black mist.

"Hahahahaha" the mist laughed "that is what you ask an all-knowing being. Kid, you are just too much."

"It's the only thing I care about" I stated

"What if I told you that the bnha world actually existed in another dimension? That all those people you read about are actually real?"

For the first time in a long time, I smiled "that's amazing"

The mist seemed shocked by my reaction "listen kid I really like you so I'm going to do something I haven't done in centuries I'm going to give you a second chance but not in this world. I'm going to send you to the world of bnha so you can have a second chance."

"Thank you" I shouted "I would hug you but I think I would just fall through you."

"So I'm going to place you in the world as an orphan so you'll have no family. You'll be staying with a foster family I'll make it so the Midoriya is your foster family since I know Deku is your favorite character. I suggest you act like you have amnesia when you wake up. When you're taken to have a CAT scan they will see that there was damage to the part of the brain that controls memory. You won't have any friends or ex-boyfriend/girlfriend and it will seem like you didn't exist till this moment. It would seem to everyone around you that you were just going through the motions never talking or interacting. I suggest you not waste this opportunity." The mist said a mouth full

"May ask for one thing," I asked

"Sure I'm already giving you life go ahead ask for more". The mist said sarcastically

"May I please have a quirk so I'm able to save people" you beg

"You want to be a hero"

"Yes I never did much with my old life and I want to make the most out of this one." You said with determination

"Sure kid you can be a hero but I must warren you that this world is also filled with danger and I cannot guarantee you a happy life"

"I'll try my best to make it the best life I can"

"Good luck"

The mist pulled me into a hug and a blinding white light took over my body causing me to pass out.

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