The day i got grounded and how mean and perfect/childish my mom is part 1

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The day i got grounded was a year ago why because my mom said to NOT play gacha life and five nights at freddys and i like to sneak things.I guess she caugt me one day i don't now how but she did.Now its been four years sence i've had a phone the phone im talking about is my dads old phone that he gave me sence he got a new phone iphone12 a year ago. Every time my mom yells i go in to my room im depressted and let me tell you its every week/year.I don't now why i don't plus my mom yells at me for no reason yea i don't follow the rules but i still sometimes follow the rules.Haveing to follow the rules is dumb and stupid oh and some rules i sometimes get out of like  cleaning my room not all the time i just close the dore and rp quitely so no one can hear me and then when i get board i just sing in my head and mess with thing that i can find.  Oh did i tell you guys that my mom is so purfect well not that purfect and she is soooooooo childish to my fricking dad it so annouing.Last night my dad went up stairs to tuck in my MOM now you now how childish my mom is and how she wants evey thing to perfect.My mom has so much junk that she buy and then never ueses  and she gets mad that i moved her stuff so i can get to my school suplyes she flips out let me exsplain to you how she is  she yells goes up stairs and slames the fricking door.when im mad i go in the room and closes the door nand she thinkes i slame the door when she is the one slaming doors all the time when she is mad and she just sits up there on her phone texting my dad.Then when me and my sister want to go to the park she is imideitly turns to happy mode.On the road she speeds because some not all but some "dumb people don't now how to drive "she says noits not how people drive its how people don't pay attentchen to the lights on the road and so my sister gets scared that were going to die and she like 9 years old or something i don't remember but my mom slames doors speeds because some dumb people and she yells to the top of her lungs at me for not following the rules but some times i do but she dosent belive me that i did it  but shes like "nooo there is still a pice of dirt on the floor" that dirt is from the DOG .The dog comes from outside and then back into the house with DIRTY PWAS!sometimes i dont like my mother  but i still love her!

that is all i hoped you liked this i worked on it for probely 3hours i don't now but bye !!!!!                                                                                                                                   ps. i bit myself to make me happy and my sis made dis and this is all true btw well bye now :>

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