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I was awake most of that night thinking of song ideas for Jake... of the things I would say to him if I had the courage, and tried to alter it a bit to match Daisy's personality, looks, all that, and Jake's style... but all I was thinking was if he rewrote it to the tune of that Justin Beiber song... but it was like,

Daisy, Daisy, Daisy OHHH

Like Daisy, Daisy Daisy NOOO

Like Daisy, Daisy, Daisy OHHH

I'm simping over  you all the time, time

I laughed as I imagined Jake singing it with his brown eyes staring at Daisy, "Why do I do this to myself?" I said out loud. But, singing that ridiculous song somehow made me feel better. I thought of Jake and Daisy actually dating, and now it didn't sound like the worst thing ever. The powers of Justin Beiber's most stupid song ever always works miracles. (no hate on JB my guys)

I fell asleep with that song stuck in my head and woke up with it too. Thanks Jake.

I was humming that song while I got dressed, brushed my hair, ate breakfast, on the way to the bus stop...

"Will you stop humming that stupid song, Hailey!" Zander had heard it all morning, I understand why he was tired of it.

"Sorry I was up last night writing a song for Jake."

"I though you were writing one together."

"We are but he wanted to write a song for Daisy too."

"Ahhh, okay."

"Mhm," after that we were silent the rest of the way to the bus. Although I kept seeing Zander glancing at me with a concerned look on his face.

When we got to school, I basically ran to Jake's locker- he needed to know about this amazingness.

When I got to his locker I said, "Hey Jake!" while I tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he and I locked eyes for a second and then we both looked away blushing.

"Hey Princess"

"So, you know how you needed a song to sing for Daisy?"

"You already wrote it? Cause if you did you are just amazing."

I blushed a little more,"Well- no, BUT I had an idea that I thought you might have liked..."

After I told him my idea and the sang the mini song I wrote he looked at me,"Oh god, Hailey."

I laughed,"Did you like it?"

"How would you feel if I said ummm no?"

I looked at him dead in the eyes. He honestly looked like he didn't know what to say.

I finally cracked, "PFFFT- of course I'm okay if you didn't like it. I mean honestly, when do you take a joke smh." (yes she says smh irl just like me dont question it smh) I elbowed him lightly.

"Oh good.. I honestly thought you were offended."

I checked my watch as I didn't know what to say back to that. I then realized how close it was to first period. "Well um I've got to go put my stuff in my locker," I said pointing down the hall.

"Uh yeah! Me too! So um see you in first period?"

"Of course! Where else would I go?"

"Silly question I guess," Jake says with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah..." I reply with a slight sigh and a warm blush coming over my face. Darn it. He's so cute when he's nervous. Wait, WhAT?! Stupid teenage crushes or whatever. What did mom call it? Right, hormones. I turn to walk away but look over my shoulder to say, "Lighten up, a bit!" I see a smile come across his face, "Whatever you say, princess!"

I turned to my locker with a smile on my face. Putting my textbooks in my locker, I got an idea for the song. Ha. Darn it. Now its on my mind all the time. I grabbed my books for first period and my music notebook. Good thing I'm in the back of the class.

In FIrsT PerIOd BecSAuse IM NoT WrItING DOwn A ScenE WherE She WalKs DowN A HAllwAY

I opened my textbook and then took out my notes... I hid my music notebook under my notes so it looked like I was writing important things down.

i can only imagine

how it is to be with you

Oh god Hailey- what the heck... I went from practically hating this kid to simping for him in the span of less than 3 weeks... Or, maybe I always simped for him? Ugh frick feelings.

from the first day i saw your face

i knew this love was true

but youre already taken

nothing i can do

so i can only imagine

how it is to be with you

"Hailey? May I ask what you are doing back there? I asked you a question..."

"Oh ummm sorry! Could you repeat it?" Heck. I need to pay attention. I'll finish this later.

A/N: I- holy cow this chapter took me so long to write- I apologize for taking so long (like almost four months but we don't talk about it)... so many people enjoy this and I'm so happy you've waited FOUR STUPID MONTHS for this- you honestly must be really bored- and one more thing- I'm gonna change the title to "waltzing away" a fanfic squad member suggested it and mmmmm i do be vibing with this title <3 oh and like just imagine that hailey has mediocre handwriting lol. AND no i did not come up with these lyrics credit to whomever wrote melody sung by jon becker please and thank you

ALSO (ha this is such a long authors note) sorry for the trashy quality of this chapter... THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR ILY <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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