Chapter 3

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She was depressed of what she saw on the news.... It was something that related to her..... It was about the pearl disease! The news reader said that this disease will attack people who got depressed of something their best friend said or done wrong.

"So.. this is a disease can I cure it!!?"

She continued watching the news and the news reader said that we can find the cure soon, and also that it will take us a very long time to die or fully get take over by this disease and this disease name is Pearliolust.

"Pearliolust... I am depressed of what she said today!!"

"Owwwww!!!!!! Ooh My god help me please it is so painful!"

She started to cry because of the pain and cried pearls she researched about it now again and found more on this she couldn't believe it these pearls will start to drop into your lungs everytime you cry, whether it is happiness or sadness, you are in danger.

"And that is why I felt something dropping in to my lungs...."

She searched more and found that, if all the pearls fill your lungs you may not be able to breathe and die or the pearls will come out if your mouth and die or those pearls will burst out of your lungs directly, and if the pearls come out in red colour from when you cry, it means that your lungs are filling up.

She cried more and again the pearls started to come out... She thought

"Should I say this to my friend? No! If I say she will be sad. I can't. I want her to be happy whether I am dead or alive. Even thought if I am dead I will protect her with my athma"

Hello guys! Something wrong with your friend happened to you in real life?? Comment it down ok?
And I may have some spelling mistakes 😉 pls don't mind it. If it minds comment it so that I will just make it right for you!!
As always if you felt the situation plssssss comment it.
And vote if you like these kind of stories and vote if you like this chapter!!!!😜😜😜🙂 Bye guys!!!!!! See y'all in the next chapter

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