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Jannet rushes into the living room to find her gun and to try and wake Lizzy up, but to Jannet's dismay her body is no longer there. She does, however, spot the gun halfway under the sofa. Just as she grabs the gun she hears the back door slam shut.

She runs to the back door silently praying that the sound was Lizzy fleaing from the home.

The outside sky is pitch black as the thick, dark clouds conceals the moon and star's light from them. The only light is shining from the shed windows. Which goes out as she approaches.

When she reaches the door she slowly opens it, "Rickie? Lizzy?" She hisses into the darkness.

Suddenly something grabs her ankels and yanks her feet out from under her. The impact nockes all the air out of her and she is pulled into the shed where the door is then shut and a hand covers her mouth.

"Its me Jan." Hisses Lizzy's voice from the darkness, "Rickie is hear too."

Suddenly something smashes into the shed door causing Rickie to flip on the light and Jannet to climb to her feet. Just as all this happens the rotten door busts from its hinges and two clown me rush in. One of them grabs an ax off the wall and Jannet shoots the second one in the head, instantly killing him.

Rickie dives under a work counter and the first clown man flips the desk exposing Rickie's body. Jannet trains the gun on him and pulls the trigger but the only response is a bone chilling click. The clown man raises the ax into the air and Lizzy and Jannet both step forward numbing into each other, nocking each other to the ground. Just as they hit the ground they hear a cut off scream, and a grotesque sucking-crunching noise and they are splattered with blood as they watch Rickie's head roll over onto the floor.

"No!" Wails Jannet as Lizzy runs out and away from the shed screaming, "Rickie! No!"

She climbs shakily to her feet as numbness spreads through her body and a smile crosses her face as she kicks the ax from his hand and shoves him into the shed wall. From the corner of her eye she spots a chainsaw hanging on the wall. She grabs it and starts it on the first pull.

The man starts to scream as she presses the saw against his throat. Within seconds she is covered in blood and his head fall off his body and his body falls to the ground in a heap.

Outside she hears demented laughter and Lizzy screaming. She quickly runs to Lizzy's aid.

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