Chapter One- A Warm Welcome

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Hi:) I really hope you enjoy this story! Please vote if you do enjoy and recommend to friends you may think would enjoy it as well, thank you! xx

(This story focuses on some touchy subjects that may be upsetting to some readers)


Some of the characters attitudes/personalities are changed to fit the story better! I am also aware that some events are not in the original books or films! :)


"A tear falls. How could something so pure be caused by so much pain."






Sapphires POV

The morning was bright and the sky was blue. Golden fairies dance through the air and disappear at the sight of the sun. The grass had a sparkle from the cold autumn weather the night before. The trees danced in perfect harmony with the breeze and a sense of peace layered the earth. The sheets draping over me now untucked and messy, I force myself out of bed.

"SAF!" dad shouts from the bottom of the stairs almost shaking the house. He is a rather tall man with fair skin and brown hair like caramel. His eyes blue as if they know the deepest secrets of the ocean. My mother on the other hand, has blonde hair with olive skin and green eyes that reflect a field. I also have light brown hair like my fathers and green eyes like my mothers with a subtle hint of blue

"OK OK IM UP!" I shout back down. Once I fully wake up I remember what day it is and quickly rush to my trunk. It was my first day at Hogwarts! I gather up my last few items off the floor, shove them into my trunk and slam the lid. The trunk was heavy but I barely noticed, the excitement was too much. I dragged the trunk all the way down the stairs, leaving a tremendously loud bang after each step.

"Mum! Dad!" I say as I finally reach the bottom.

"Come on Saf quick we're going to be late to your first train!" exclaimed my mother. I grab the trunk handle again and pull it through the hall and out the door after my mother. Butterflies swarm my stomach as I get in the car. This was it, I was going to Hogwarts.


The train was full of laughter and the smell of sweets and chocolate. Doors to private compartments opening and closing as kids ran in and out of them, I didn't know anyone here. I walked the length of the train in hopes to find a spare seat somewhere yet all seemed to be taken. After what seemed like forever I reached one in which had a boy with black hair and round glasses, a girl with frizzy brown hair presenting a very composed look and another boy who had fiery red hair and a warm smile sat inside. I look in and the girl spots me. I try look away hoping she didn't notice me staring as I see a movement in the corner of my eye. I look back and see her signalling with her hand to enter, so I did.

"Um...hi" I said nervously. I am an outgoing person but I need to warm up to people first.

"Hello! I'm Hermione Granger, this is Harry Potter and that's Ron Weasley" the girl seemed delighted by my presence. I look over to the two boys who are stuffing their faces with sweets and chocolate they had picked out of a pile that sat in between them. I give them a sweet smile and turn back to look at Hermione. "And who may you be?" the girl asked.

"Oh, my names Sapphire but most people call me Saf" I reply. The girl puts out her hand offering a shake, returning the offer I grab her hand and shake it.

"You can sit with us!" the girl stated with a smile on her face, both the boys nodding their heads in agreement but still not responding with their cheeks full like hamsters. I relax into my seat and talk to the girl next to me. She tells me all about a girl called Luna and a boy called Neville and how she thinks I'm really going to like them.

Quote~ "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart"-Winnie The Pooh

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