Dating Hosea Matthews HCs {GN! Reader}

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- He LOOOOOVEs reading to you and just having conversations about like logic and shit and likes to know your views on life and your own personal philosophies.

- Let's be honest all us Hosea lovers are like teens and young adults (bUT WHEN YOU TWO ARE DATING ITS LEGAL!!!) so we all know damn well there's a gOOD age gap between him and his partner bUUT he low-key kinda likes it and it low-key high-key turns him on but he's too embarrassed to admit it.

- He LOVES cuddles and physical affection. He likes to have you either snuggled up against him by the campfire or sitting on his lap, but that's usually the most PDA he'll ever show. Throughout the day you guys usually just exchange quick kisses, hand holding, hugs, ya know, small basic but aDoRaBLE gestures like those.

- If you're more of a robbing and conning kinda person, then Hosea will be Worried CONSTANTLY, but he won't let it show. He'll still let you do your thing but if there's a risky job that you could get hurt in then he will try to step in and either make a compromise or if it's HELLA risky, then he'll make you stay at camp.

- If you prefer staying at camp and helping around with the chores, then Hosea will steal glances 24/7. If you catch him looking then he'll either flush and glance away making you giggle or he'll send you a smirk and wink leaving you a blushing mess.

- Everyone around absolutely lOVES your guys' relationship. You kinda become the camp mom/dad/parent and help with anything you can and are always willing to give advice or be a shoulder to cry on.

- Micah is a dick like always and makes nasty comments about both you and Hosea but Hosea and you usually clear it up rEAL fast. (Also Arthur low-key has like a fucking sixth sense for when Micah is pestering someone so he always helps if Micah gets even more outta hand then he already is)

- Tilly, Mary-Beth, and Karen loVe asking you questions about your relationship, what you like about Hosea, if you have plans for your future with him, etc. but sometimes they'll ask some sPICy questions and if you're feeling frisky, you might give them an answer lmao

*Sorry this is kinda short I plan on adding more dating HCs for Hosea later. Requests are open so please feel free to ask and give me ideas for more writings!*

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