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Shouta stared at his phone screen. He is just checking his patrol for tonight. Filing reports and gathering information that he needed. He's staring at his phone for a bit too long. Anyone would think he had stared off into space. Daydreaming.

Out of nowhere. Okura Kohaku, Best Jeanist' assistant. Knocked on his table. Snapping him out of his daydreaming. "Boss calling you." He said, as he adjusted his glasses in a very anime-like way and walked away. " And bring Ms. Joke with you." Okura mentioned as he walked towards Best Jeanist's office. Okura Kohaku, a man with brunette hair, wears a pair of circular glasses and always looks smart in his suit and tie. Gifted with a quirk called 'Amber'. To be honest, no one knows how it works except Best Jeanist. He only works in the agency and under Best Jeanist anyway, he doesn't have an official hero license. A reliable member of the agency.

What in the world could this fabric hero want now?

Not that he hates his own boss. But something about him and Ms.Joke isn't the best thing. Last time they both teamed up for April Fools to prank the whole agency staff. In general, he just hated pranks. He let out a slight huff, put his phone in his pocket and walked on the way to Ms.Joke's table. Okura could've really called her himself, but he didn't mind it.

He walked till he spotted a glimpse of a green seafoam hair. No one in this agency has as bright natural hair as hers. She'll be very easy to spot in a huge crowd, he thought. Not everyone would suit that color on them. He guessed Emi is very lucky. He thinks her natural hair is perfect for her.

He saw her. She's talking to a new intern boy with a deer horn. Helping him with the reports. He knew Emi could be a touchy person with someone she's comfortable with. But that boy, she barely even touched him, sure he's taller, and Emi had to look up to see him but why is his ear and face all in a slight pink shade. He furrowed and scowled.

"Joke. Boss called us." Shouta says, as he walks to them with both of his hands tucked in his pocket. The sudden deep voice interrupting them earned their looks. He noticed Emi's expression changed from her all sweet smile to an 'oh' reaction, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, Eraser! My dear future husband! What does he want?" she tilted her head slightly. That 'future husband' line earned a shocking yet unbelievable look from the intern. For some reason, Shouta fought the urge to smirk at his reaction. "W- What?" he heard the boy mouthed, so slow he would've missed it if he looked away for a second. He wants to scoff right there and now but decided to go against it.

"I don't know either. Let's not waste our time. Let's go." He says as he mentioned his head letting her walk first. Emi nodded and turned facing the intern "I'm sure you can handle it yourself here, All the best deer! " She winked, giving him a hint for the pun she just made. Shouta rolled his eyes for her awful pun she just did. She laughed it off and waved at him.
"T-Thank You F-Fukukado-san!" They boy bowed as she walked away earning a nod and a smile from Emi.

Shouta stood there for a moment and looked at the boy. " It's Ms.Joke for you. She's a hero if you haven't noticed it by now." He told him in a very cold tone. Made the poor boy jump at his immensely deep and darkened voice. "Y-YES! S-So sorry Eraserhead-san!" He stuttered and bowed 90 degrees towards him.

Shouta glanced at him and walked off following Emi from behind catching up with her.
As he managed to walk beside Emi, he side eyed her. "I'm not your future husband" He said as if replying to what she just said to him earlier in front of the intern. "HAHAHA, I was half expecting you to not reply to me and finally accept my offer!" She laughed off the pain.

"In your dreams, Joke." Yeah. In dreams.

As they reached the Best Jeanist office room, Shota entered and held the door for Emi, letting Emi through after him. She smiled at him, " Such a gentleman." She spoke slowly. "Shut up." He shut his eyes avoiding her emerald eyes as he felt a prickling feeling of blush through his neck and his ears. Thankful that she was unable to see his neck or ear due to his capture weapon covering them. She giggled like she usually does.

"Eraserhead and Ms.Joke, sir." They heard Okura voice calling, alerting the man himself.

"Ah yes. Welcome both of you guys." He greeted them with a smile under those fabrics. Emi replied to him with a smile and a waved while Shouta greeted him back with a nod. "You wanted to see us, sir?" He asked.

"Yes. Ms.Joke and Eraserhead. I have a case for you." he said gravely. Getting into his boss mode. They knew him as a joyous guy, one of the reasons why Emi were very keen with him. The prank. Shouta paid less about the prank for now and focused on what the case is.

Okura offered them the seats as they took their seats.

"I need you two to go undercover to catch Benjiro Yoshida. As an operation and to act if the need arises. Our CIs say that he's going to be moving the drug out of Japan on a cruise next week. We have stopped him before it happens. Your covers and your tickets ready, but the choice to take the case is yours." Best Jeanist eyes darkened. "This guy is the real deal. He's meticulous and very paranoid. Anyone he suspected of spying on his operation has been found dead. I'm asking you two to take the case because you have a good partnership, and I trust both of you." Best Jeanist, leaned further on his chair folding his arm.

"Excuse me, did you say tickets?" Emi chimed. A little confused.

"That's right. Benjiro Yoshida, we managed to track him to ease you guys' job" Hakamada says as his assistant handed him a tablet. He casted it through the screen of his room to show both of them. 

Aizawa could hear Emi breathe out a faint 'woah' when the picture was shown

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Aizawa could hear Emi breathe out a faint 'woah' when the picture was shown.

"He'll be attending an event at the Tenjin Business Center." Best Jeanist explained as he showed them the building. "We need to catch him as soon as possible. Or we might miss the ship."

"Tenjin ..." Emi thought out loud while placing a finger on her chin, thinking. She heard of that place before. "OH! That's in Fukuoka." She spoke, as the name rang a bell.

"Correct Ms.Joke, it is indeed located in Fukuoka." He nodded. Emi smiled and looked proud of herself as well as excited.

"Why catch him when can just arrest him? " Shouta asked. "We need him. To gather up all of the information that we collected. This case is not finish until we got all the information from him. We don't have anyone else that is suitable for this part of the case. That being said, I can't force both of you. Take time to think about it if you need." Best Jeanist finished. Waiting for their response.

Shouta looked over at Emi. He sees that glimpse of determination in her eyes that he will never get bored seeing. She turned her head facing him and gave him a confident smile giving him her answer. He nodded, taking hints to the agreement.
He would never say this out loud. But he'd be an idiot if he says Emi isn't a good hero. She's the only hero he would ever work alongside with him, even though he's a loner hero who doesn't usually partner up with anyone. He'd say working with her is challenging but Emi can be serious about the job at hand, which is one of the reasons Shouta likes her.

...What. L-like Emi?

Why is he thinking about Emi all of the sudden? He shook his head to wave off the earlier thoughts and tried to focus on the case. He studied the building that's on the screen and looked at Best Jeanist.

It's just an undercover mission.

"We're in" He nodded in confirmation.


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