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"The moons of Saturn only shine half as bright when all of your eyes look at me", Axel said as he softly locked hands with Clejels' tentacle. Her face grew to a deeper shade of blue.

"You're making me blush", she stammered.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress that perfectly highlighted the purple hues in her hair. Half her eyes stared at him and the other half tried to avoid his passionate stare.

"I've had a wonderful time tonight Axel," she said. "I just wished you would have chosen a planet with longer nights."

"Then let's get out of here!" Axel said not wanting to waste even a single moment. Without missing a beat, Axel called the waiter over to bring the check.


The artificial atmosphere created a nice breeze as the couple walked along the secluded path. They were alone. The rocky terrain characteristic of the Tranquility Sea's beaches was the perfect backdrop for what Axel planned. He stopped to face Clejels.

"These past few years spent together were the happiest moments of my life," he said as he started to lower himself on one knee.

"Oh Axel...", Clejels said out loud.

"Clejels Xerciaslat," Axel began. "Would you make me the happiest human on the moon and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes!" Clejels exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes. "A thousand times, yes!"

Axel rose off the ground back on his two feet to slip the ring on her smallest tentacle. Clejels' breathing began to quicken as she understood that she was going to marry the man of her dreams.

"I can't believe you, and look at this ring!" Clejels said with excitement. "Is this real primordial Ylem?", As she admires the ring.

Clejels looked from the ring back to Axel with tearful eyes. Axel could tell that she was happy beyond words. All those moments spent waiting and location scouting was worth it. Axel had the biggest grin on his face. Above the sound of ocean waves gently crashing to shore, the distinct zap of a laser pistol cuted through the night. Clejels' joy turned to confusion. Axel watched as her face contorted in pain as she looked down to her stomach to see a small hole. As she grabbed her stomach, purple blood already started staining her hands. Axel kept pointing the smoking gun at her, only centimeters away. Clejels looked back to Axel in horror and anguish.

"Why...", Clejels faintly pleaded. She began to fall back to the ground, her legs unable to support her weight no longer. Clejels tentacles tried desperately to grab onto Axel for support. Instead, Axel gently guided her down to the deck's floor. He didn't want her to create a loud thud for others to hear. Discretion was key.

"For the record," Axel began, now standing back up. "I did have fun."

Axel pulled the trigger one last time. Not a second passed before the body dematerialized into thin air. A near-instant termination of the simulation. Any longer and Axel might have had trouble separating his own reality with the computer-generated one. Axel removed his virtual reality headset and was met with the evaluator.

"Officer Axel #504," the evaluator began. "That was an excellent performance, great job on eliminating the target."

"Just doing my job, sir," Axel coldly replied. Axel appreciated the praise, however, he was only doing what he learned in training. From above, a female voice blared out of the intercom system.

"And does "your job" always involve you needing to romance the target?" the woman over the intercom said. Axel could instantly tell who it was.

"I do what needs to be done ma'am," Axel answered, replying directly to the speaker.

The airlock to Axel's left opened, allowing a small android in a blue pantsuit to enter. The android tapped her clipboard with a pen. She appeared to be angry at Axel.

"Your job?" The android asked in a stern manner? "We are professionals. We do not let emotions get in the way of an objective. What you did in 3 simulated years, an APG battle-bot could have done in a matter of minutes " the android continued, still disapproving of Axel's actions. "I can't deny that you did outstanding on your simulation mission. The target was dealt with, there were no witnesses, and you were never suspected for even a second. However, just keep in mind that you should always strive for efficiency. You won't have years to act when the barrel of a gun is pointed at you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am!", Axel replied sternly.

"Anyways, I think it's time for you to get some real on-hand experience", she says while finishing flipping through the pages of her clipboard.

"Thank you ma'am", Axel answered, with a crisp salute

"At ease officer, let's walk and talk, that shouldn't be too hard," the android said. "Even for a human right?"

Axel sighed as he started following her. Androids had a tendency to lack understanding when it came to small talk. He could never get used to his superior's demeanor.

"Have you ever heard of Sxyllo-6?" The android asked as she led the two of them back to the airlock.

"No, I can't say I have ma'am," Axel replied as he followed. The airlock shut behind them and they continued walking forward.

"It's a new drug that has recently appeared on the streets," the android said. "And stop calling me ma'am. What am I, a generation 2 model?"

The android handed him the clipboard she had been carrying. Axel took a quick glance at the papers

"We made a preliminary analysis in the labs, look at this," the android said, directing Axel's attention to the graph in the middle of the page.

"These readings are off the charts," Axel whistled in amazement. "5 micrograms to overdose? This is serious stuff."

"Exactly," the android agreed. "I want you to get out there and find out who's been making this and bring them in. You're also going to need a partner for this job."

"As much as this sounds like a cliche," Axel said with a cocky grin. "I'd prefer working alone. Besides, who would I even work with?"

"I knew you'd say that," the android replied with what Axel could swear was a knowing smile. She led both of them to another door which she proceeded to open. "So I came prepared. Let me introduce you to Xia!"

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