Chapter 7: House Related Matters

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Later, Tom had gotten Sonic out of the garage and onto a counter. He grabs the quill and compared it to Sonic, realizing that the quill was Sonic's.

"Huh...The Blue Devil." Tom said as he set the quill down on a small side table

Tom sighed as he had his back turned, not noticing Sonic getting up. When Tom did turn around, he dropped his phone out of surprise which he planned to use to call Crazy Carl and tell him about this whole situation.

"Doughnut Lord?" Sonic asked, having his hand on his head

"You can talk?" Tom questioned as his Mightyena growled a little. " aren't here to abduct me are you?"

"You abducted ME!" Sonic responds

"Okay, that's a fair point." Tom comments. "Who are you? Why were you hiding out in my garage?"

"I-I-I needed somewhere safe, and you were the first person I could think of, Doughnut Lord." Sonic answers

"Why do you keep calling me 'Doughnut Lord'?" Tom asks

"Because you talk to doughnuts, and then eat them if they get out of line." Sonic answered

"Again, fair." Tom said

"Wait, wait, wait, where are all the mushrooms? Why am I still on this world?" Sonic asked until remembering what happened in the garage. "Oh no! I lost my rings!"

"What?" Tom questioned

Mightyena's ears perked up when a loud rumbling was heard outside. Tom looked out to see the large 18-wheel black truck that belongs to Robotnik pulling up.

"What the?" Tom mutters

Sonic jumped a little and quickly looked at Tom.

"They're coming for me!" Sonic exclaimed

"Who's coming for you? What's this got to do with me?" Tom asked

"I don't have time to explain, but you HAVE to help me!" Sonic responded

"No I don't!" Tom quickly states. "Why?"

"Well, my legs, which NORMALLY would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti." Sonic answers. "You have to help me,'s life or death."

After some silence, Tom decided to actually help Sonic.

"Fine, come with me." To said, heading for the attic

When Sonic went to follow Tom, he simply fell right on his face.

"Uh...a little help?" Sonic called out

Outside, Robotnik got out of his vehicle and kneeled down to what looked like another footprint. He held a hand over it, scanning the footprint and revealing by effect that that specific glove had some enhancements. He then looked at the screen that was on his other arm and wirelessly connected to his glove.

The screen displayed some data, confirming this footprint was made by the same creature that made the one he found earlier.

Tom then walked out onto the porch, saw Robotnik, not knowing who he is, and asked, "May I help you?"

Robotnik looked over and walked over, holding up a hand, seeming as innocent as possible at first as he walked over and says, "Good morning, my rural chum. I'm from the power company, investigating the blackout."

Robotnik then lowered his hand as he said, "If you don't mind, I would like to take a few readings inside your house."

"Oh, you're from the power company? You must know my buddy Spencer, we played softball together." Tom said, not buying Robotnik's act for one second

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