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Hello my dear readers~ here we are with a new chapter. I am doing this on my way to school in Danville. So, here we are. I am sorry for not updating tho. Hope you like and enjoy~ 

  As the sun shone down in Paris, on the other side, was Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting in class as she was thinking about her future hus- ahem- Adrien, who was sick.
While Marinette was present in class, her mind was somewhere else. Her eyes trailed to the empty seat in front of her.

(P.S  the letters that are to the side this this-hello-are the thoughts and normal are normal... anyways back to the story.)

"Poor Adrien...out sick..." Marinette thought. "Should I take him some soup?"

"Thud, Thud, Thud!"


"Akuma?" Marinette asked herself.

Yes, indeed there was an akuma, which grabbed the attention of all the students, as they puts down their papers to see what the sound was from.  The teacher stood up and calmly said to the class.

"Please exit calmly, everyone!" The teacher said. "Go straight home!"

Everyone got up and slowly went to the door, while Alya shoot though the classroom.

"YES! Ladyblog time!" Alya yelled as he took out her phone to get ready.

(I love Alya and how she gets excited about these things!)

"Alya, no!" Nino shouted at her to try to stop his girlfriend from running into danger.

Marinette lowered herself so she could not be seen by anyone when she goes to transform.

"Marinette? You're the last one left." Mile. Bustier said.

"I'll be fine, Mile. Bustier. I live across the street." Marinette stated. "Maybe you can stop Alya before she gets hurt?"

"Sigh, you're right. Let's hope she didn't get too far." Mile. Bustier said. "Be careful going home!"

As the teacher was saying that, Tikki quietly flew out of Marinette's purse as Marinette put a finger to her lips.

When the coast was clear, Marinette looked at Tikki as Tikki did the same.

"Ready?" Tikki asked.

"Ready!" Marinette responded.

Here we are again~ I think I'll go ahead and update the next chapter since it's a shorter one. Thank you and I'll update again as soon as I can after the next chapter.

Out sick- short fanfic I think Where stories live. Discover now