✞【Personal Hell】✞

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Art Credit To: LiraJayJay on Wattpad (I cannot confirm them as the original artist, though this is the only source I could find)

Tw: swearing, tied-up Nagito, sightly suggestive content

"Good Morning You Bastards! It's Another Perfect Tropical Day! Let's Enjoy It For All It's Worth!" Monokuma yelled through the monitor in my room.

I groaned, pushing myself off of the mattress and going to grab my clothes from the previous day to fold them again. I looked around the room, the clothes that were originally on the floor were missing. I tried shrugging it off, going back to shower and change.

"Kinda weird Monokuma would pick up laundry without warning. We haven't even been here that long..." I laced up my shoes, tying them off and getting ready to leave. I went to turn the doorknob to leave, it was already unlocked when I turned it.

"Did I forget to lock that? No..?" I mumbled, locking it behind me as I walked away. Again, it was probably Monokuma. He was a jerk, but I doubt he would wake me up for laundry time. I made my way through the sand, walking up to the hotel restaurant once I reached the main building.

"Heya (L/N)!" Ibuki cheered, slinging her arm around my shoulders. I was surprised by her sudden contact with me, weaving through the restaurant with me. We eventually sat down at a table with Akane, after which Akane slid a plate of food in front of me.

"You're joking, right?" I tilted my head at it, it all just looked like a pile of slop.

"Nah. Monokuma isn't too good of a cook..." Akane seemed so disappointed by the food, and yet she ate hers anyway. Ibuki and I kind of just pushed everything around on our plates. Ibuki shoveled everything onto my plate, acting like she didn't do anything in the first place.

Monomi came into breakfast, announcing to us that she had cleared the second island of the Monobeast. She proceeded to say that we should check it out, and then left us to our own leisures. Ibuki, Akane, and I finished breakfast; afterwards the three of us left the hotel, going to walk around the second island before the others.

Starting with the plain house looking building far away on the island, it appeared to be just a plain beach house. There was a closet with diving equipment, a fridge full of different bottles of drinks-free for taking, as well as a shower room. The shower appeared to be busted, and wouldn't turn on no matter how hard Akane and I pushed on it. Monomi popped in on us, telling us an important rule of the beach house: You may not change clothes in the beach house.

From there, we walked past an area labeled "Chandler Beach", it just looked like a normal beach. There was nothing too interesting to it, but Nekomaru stood on the beach. Akane waved goodbye to the two of us, leaving to go do something with the coach.

Ibuki and I continued to the library, as soon as we entered Ibuki let out a scream like no other. I jumped away from her in schock, wincing as I stumbled. I looked around, scared out of my mind to find a dead body or some form of disgusting presence. Instead of something morbid, Ibuki started giggling next to me. She talked about her screaming in libraries, before she bounced away into the library.

"And then there was one..." I shook my head, leaving the room crowded with books.

I approached and entered a building that resembled a pahr,acy. Mikan was already in there, surveying the different drugs and remedies that the shelves had. She looked over at my entrance, describing and detailing a bunch of the different pills to me. She seemed a bit too into it, and I quietly took my own exit.

You're Just Like Me // Obsessed Nagito Komaeda X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now