Day Ten

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Sigh. I promised Ronson I would be good. Boo. Usually, he spanks me when I'm naughty. I guess he's under a lot of stress today. :(

(Benji says :( means a frowny-face, but it looks like a crooked penis with sideways testicles if you ask me. Is he pranking me?)

Day Ten - Twenty days left

The pack is going on a run today. Apparently, this lasts the entire weekend. They will shift in the training grounds tonight, then run overnight and spend tomorrow in the mountains. They will spend another night, then they will be back sometime the next day.

I only know all of this because Wolfie tells me. I can't shift, even though apparently Ingrid could. We tried until I was literally blue in the face and doubled-over in laughter.

So I get to stay 'home.' Or not.

Ronson hauls his sweaty body off of mine with a smile. "I am going to miss you, baby," he says with a sexy smirk. I sprawl, naked and exhausted, and let him peruse my body. I feel utterly smug. My punishment effectively banished Shana from the alpha suite. We couldn't fit inside that closet-bed anymore. Ronson was getting cramps in his legs. Sucks for her. Bitch.

"Yeah, yeah," I gasp out. "Go be a stinky wolf, Big Bad."

"Sure thing," he kisses me softly before pulling back to look uncertainly at me. "Are you sure you don't want to come with?"

"Nope, thanks. Wolfie and I are going to stay here and paint your room pink."

"Innie," he warns.

"What? Pink is very soothing. Prisons paint the cells pink to keep the inmates calm, don't you know?"

He just snorts, "humans," and shakes his head as he pulls his shirt over his head. "Be good, Innie," he orders as he leaves, "You're still in isolation."

I run up to my grey room, which is not grey anymore, by the way, to look out at him. He has a.. presence when he is with the others that he doesn't bother with anymore around me. He looks powerful, intimidating, a true alpha male.


"No, Wolfie. He's ours temporarily. Twenty days."

I'm a bitch, pun intended, but she needs to understand that this is not permanent. I have twenty days left, and I have things I need to do.

Watching the pack shift is amazing. About forty wolves take off into the mountains, a seamless mass of fur and teeth. For a moment I feel disappointed that I can't shift, too, but I let it pass. There are a lot of things I've never done. I've always been a woman, for example, so I've never had a penis. How weird a dick must feel. Ew.

An hour later I am dressed in all black, continuously arguing with Wolfie as I head south.

This is insane. More insane than usual!

"Listen, Wolfie. This might be the only chance I have to set some wrongs right, OK? I told you I can't die for another twenty days and this is important. This is for Ingrid."

Crazy. Crazy Changeling!

"Yeah, yeah. Get used to it."

We arrive at the pack to the south in six hours. I head for the trees, skirting the patrols that are scarce to the north. Ronson's pack keeps this pack's northern border safe for them. Good for me, very bad for them. This pack is quiet, the place looks empty. Maybe they are on their little pack run, too.

I climb into the trees and wait for Wolfie to get over her recent tantrum. After another hour I get frustrated. "Listen, Wolfie. Ingrid never left the pack. She never had an adventure. That was wrong. This is an adventure. A real one. Buck up, buttercup!"

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